+ About
Gateway's cart dumper (fw v2.1 and later) injects few additionnal bytes into 3DS ROM headers, used by
the flashcard for game online features.
"Gateway ROM patcher" is a Windows utility which fastly manage this header area if you want to share,
remove, or inject your own data into ROMs.
+ Disclaimer
By using this software, you understand and accept that:
To play backups online with an original or modifed header can't be totally safe.
Nothing has been confirmed yet, but to use a Cart ID shared between various people, or one extracted from
another region/game can probably increase the risks even more.
We will not be responsible for any damages or ban of your original cartridge, console, Nintendo ID...
+ Requirements
PC running Windows, .NET framework 4.0 installed.
+ Usage
Modifications on your ROM are definitive, so keep "Ask to create a ROM backup before patching"
checked if you want to make a ROM backup before any writing operation.
Load your ROM
use "Export" to export your ROM header as a binary file
use "Import" to patch a binary file over your ROM header
use "Clear" to clear the header content (Raw dump format)
use "Inject" to inject a custom cart ID and chip ID to the ROM
Custom Header details:
- Cart ID: (16 bytes hexa) is the Cart ID you want to use online.
We prefer not to provide a sample cartridge ID here, as everybody would use the same one online.
- Game chip ID: (4 bytes hexa) composed by "Manufacturer"|"Chip size"|"Unknown"|"Media Type", is the identifier of the physical game chip.
We only saw the unknown byte taking values "00" or "02" yet. Forcing it to "00" seems to work with all the online games tested.
Cart ID and Chip ID areas need to be filled and valid to play online, or your game will be rejected.
Manufacturer codes details:
We noticed that all chips of a same title are not necessarily coming from the same manufacturer, depending on the target continent.
For example "Pokemon X JPN" and "Pokemon X EUR" are be done by two different chip manufacturers.
Currently it's hard to predict the manufacturer code who did the chip of your ROM.
So if your patched ROM is not accepted online by using "Macronix" code, we can only advise you to try another one, then retry online and so on.
From a large batch of games we tested, 3 manufacturers were found and the ratio is approximately: Macronix 90% of the chips / SanDisk 7% / OKI 3%
+ Changelog
- A bug happening during the chip ID generation has been fixed(thanks iCEQB)
- minor wording modifications
- The program automatically offers to fix the chip ID if values are incoherent with ROM infos
- Following feedbacks, "Generate" button has been removed
- manufacturer names are now displayed during the ROM scan
- operation results are now displayed inline in logs
- Cart ID and chip ID are now displayed during ROM scan
- "Generate" button added, it creates a chip ID based on your ROM specs. Manufacturer ID has to be selected by yourself.
- ROM is now rescanned after import/clear/patch operations
- bug related to header detection fixed
- Custom header section added
- ROM size and Media type are displayed and used for Chip ID
- .3ds/.3dz files allowed as input
- Logs now auto scroll down
- Import and Export functions added
- Header working size increased (0x1200 to partition #0 beginning)
- Operation logs are displayed in place of hexa values
- Detects & patch ROM headers generated by Gateway's 2.0 cartridge dumper
- Game serial and Main Title ID displayed
- Drag & drop supported
+ Thanks to
3Dbrew, Gbatemp, all testers and reporters.