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Xbox 360 Reset Glitch Hack 1.10

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1- List of folders and what they are for:

\common                      : Common files between slim 360s and fat 360s.
\common\lptjtag_programmer   : Schematics for a simple cpld programmer using PC LPT parallel port. You need to power both the programmer and the CPLD with 3.3 volts.
\common\imgbuild             : Python script to build a NAND flash image.
\common\cdxell               : Replacement CD that runs Xell, CDjasper is for jaspers and CD is for anything else.
\common\xell                 : Xell image, reset glitch hack version.
\fat                         : Files for fat 360s.
\fat\glitch48nofullpost      : CPLD code, one for each hardware revision.
\fat\wiring                  : Schematics and pictures.
\slim                        : Files for slim 360s.
\slim\glitchslimnodp         : CPLD code.
\slim\wiring                 : Schematics and pictures.

2- Basic procedure for fat 360s (zephyr, falcon, jasper)

  2.1- Program the CPLD using Xilinx Impact, a CPLD programmer of your choice and the JED file for your 360 hardware revision.

  2.2- Wire your 360 using the schematics and pictures located in /fat/wiring

         - If you are using a CMOD board, don't forget to remove R2 and short R3 on it.
         - Wire ground with thicker wire.

  2.3- Build the NAND image, eg for a jasper the command should be something like:

         python common\imgbuild\build.py original_nand.ecc common\cdxell\CDjasper common\xell\xell-gggggg.bin

       (You need to dump your NAND prior to that)
       (You also need to fill secret_1BL with the 1BL key in build.py, it should look like that: secret_1BL = "\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xAA\xBB\xCC\xDD\xEE\xFF")

  2.4- Flash the resulting output\image_00000000.ecc using the NandPro +w command.

3- Basic procedure for slim 360s (trinity)

  3.1- Program the CPLD using Xilinx Impact, a CPLD programmer of your choice and the JED file for your 360 hardware revision.

  3.2- Wire your 360 using the schematics and pictures located in /slim/wiring.
         - If you are using a CMOD board, don't forget to remove R2 connect upper pad of R2 to lower pad of R1 on the CMOD.
         - Wire ground with thicker wire.

  3.3- Build the NAND image, eg the command should be something like:

         python common\imgbuild\build.py original_nand.ecc common\cdxell\CD common\xell\xell-gggggg.bin

       (You need to dump your NAND prior to that)

  3.4- Flash the resulting output\image_00000000.ecc using the NandPro +w command.

4- Debugging

  There's a debug pin on the CPLD board, it's CMOD pin 15. 
  On fats, for about half a second, it should output 3.3v a few seconds after reset.
  On slims, for about a second, it should output 3.3v about a second after reset.
  Proper pattern on that pin ensures NAND CB works and all wires except reset are good.

5- Enjoy your hacked 360 =)

6- History:

  - v1.00:
    first release.

  - v1.10:
    - Falcon support.
    - Per hardware revision SMC patches (no more need for Jasper donor smc on fats).
    - Adding sanity check on 1BL key.
    - Adding support for donor CB on fats.
    - Debug pin on fats and slims.
    - New Xell with some bugs fixed.
    - Now using 270pf capacitor for slims, many reported it works better.

7- Credits:

GliGli, Tiros: Reverse engineering and hack development.
cOz: Reverse engineering, beta testing.
Razkar, tuxuser: beta testing.
cjak, Redline99, SeventhSon, tmbinc, anyone I forgot... : Prior reverse engineering and/or hacking work on the 360.
lprot: SMC patches.
unknown hacker: falcon timing.

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