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360 Drive Switcher

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Tool that allows you to prepare a firmware for a new drive on your Xbox 360. 

How it works: 

  1. 1. You dump the two drives firmwares you want to swap. 
  2. 2. You hack the firmware of the drive you want to use. 
  3. 3. Launch 360Drive_switcher and set it like this: 
  4. + The firmware of the drive you don't want to use anymore in the "Original firmware file" 
  5. + The firmware of the drive you want to use in "Destination firmware file" 
  6. 4. Check the informations that the tool gives you 
  7. 5. Click on "Generate..." 

Now, you have just to flash the new firmware created on the drive you want to use...and have fun.

by Soulheaven

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