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MIDIPI Lightweight Music Player 0.10

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MIDIPI is a lightweight Music Player with a simple interface. It can play MP2, MP3, MID, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC.

It also supports these Video Formats (but a the moment just the audio): MP4, AVI, WMV, 3GP etc... .

It's currently based on WMP ActiveX.

MIDIPI is completly free. If you want to make a mirror, just ask me.

And if you have suggestions for MIDIPI, send me a PM.

Planned Features:

  • Play online files.
  • Settings.

by LeonPro12.



Que novedades incluye la versión 0.10   See changelog


  • Opening and closing transition added
  • More stability
  • Debug Mode (press Strg + Shift + D)
  • Other small changes

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