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Advanced Power Options 1.1.1

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Power Options for all CFW.

Should work universally on all CFW.

HEN and CFW users, Make sure you have dev_blind mounted to install this. Otherwise you will get a 8001003A error and it will fail to install properly.

FYI HEN users: The shutdown option is the only one that will work without HEN enabled. If you try to use the reboot options it will kick you to recovery, if that happens just press the PS button.

This installs a Boot OtherOS pkg to dev_hdd0/packages/ obviously that is only for CFW so if you dont need it, or are on HEN, then just delete that pkg. 

Power options:

  • Reload XMB
  • Shut Down (no confirmation)
  • Soft Reboot
  • Hard Reboot
  • Advanced Options
    • Reboot into a Database Rebuild
    • Reboot into a Filesystem Check
    • Reboot into Recovery Mode (NOR)
    • Reboot into Recovery Mode (NAND)
    • Boot into OtherOS (Optional package built in, install from system storage to add)

Adds options for rebooting, rebuilding database etc. Also installs a Reload XMB pkg and Boot otherOS pkg to dev_hdd0/packages/, install those if you want those features on the menu.

Also this calls the poweroff plugin in a different way, so it does not ask for confirmation (thanks esc0rtd3w for the tip)

Optional: After installing this, you will find a new Reload XMB package in your package manager, install that if you want the reload XMB icon to show inside the power options menu at the top.

Optional: After installing this you will find a Boot OtherOS pkg in your package manager, install that if you want that to show at the bottom of the Advanced power options menu.

Thanks to Mysis fro the xai plugin, @kozarovv for the installer and reload xmb app, and thanks to @Bobby_Downgrades for the original idea.

by DevlL303.

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