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Pasta CFW DEX 4.84 v2

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Patch notes:


        ECDSA check disabled on all 4 ldrs
        Lv1ldr - patched to support converted retail (CEX2DEX)
        Appldr - lv2 mem protection disabled
        Undocumented function 114 - (Allow mapping of protected memory)
        Peek and Poke support - (Unused LV1 call 182 and 183)
        CoreOS hash check disabled - (Safe to use with mismatched COREOS/SYSCON versions)

        LV2 Syscall 6 and 7 - Peek and Poke support                                                     
        LV2 Syscall 8 and 9 - Peek and Poke support for LV1                                     
        LV2 Syscall 10 - LV1 CALL System call                                                         
        LV2 Syscall 15 - Allow execution of any LV2 internal function     
spu_pkg_rvk_verifier - spkg check disabled to allow CFW installation


        Allow Unsigned act.dat and *.rif files
        Auto unlocks c00 demo contents
        Disable Unlinking/Deleting of act.dat - (Improved patches applied)
        Disable NEW PSP DRM Check - (Allowing unsigned PSP pkg contents on 4.75 or higher CFW)
        HAN signed package supported
        Disable Epilepsy Warning for Faster Boot-Up Speed
        In Game Screenshot - (Allows taking screenshots in Game)
        PSN/SEN Accesibility - (PSN /SEN Accessible , until the next OFW update)

Nas Plugin:
        Patched to allow Retail PKG installation

Premo plugins : 
        Disabled flag check in PARAM for Remote Play - (For better compatibility with remote play, custom flags in PARAM is recommended)

Download plugins:
        Patched to allow retail signed packages including game updates to be downloaded

BDPlayer :
        BD/DVD support added (MAMBA or COBRA required)
        Cinavia protection fully disabled - (Supports optical media/bd iso, AACS must be decrypted)

        Polish characters supported for PS2Netemu
        PSN icon added
        webMAN support added
        BD/DVD Playback support added
        Skip Bluetooth and BD driver installation.

Que novedades incluye la versión v2


  • Font fix (some old games that use system font now display all letters correctly, Polish letter fix is removed due to this change )
  • PS3Xploit support (The old webkit is brought back to allow PS3Xploit support, HAN can be used)

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