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XexTool GUI 1.8

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XeXGUI for xorloser's latest XeXTool. Thank you for  your program and your Hard work.

I've created this little tool so you do not always have  default.xex edit, with the command line tool.    

Build and Tested on Windows 7 64Bit with .NetFramework 4.0.

To do list:

special xex specific patches new in XexTool v6.3

CRC:   70FA7E20
MD5:   871FE4A15E64FBE95C5C75C8CE4898C1
SHA1:  D32719411D83A757D10DE678D64E48AB884CEF70                          

XexTool GUI uses the Multilanguage system from Mottzi

Special Thanks to:

Razkar  for French Translation
x8-bitx for German Translation


  • - XexTool v6.3
  • - XexToolGUI v1.8

IDA Plugins:

+ = added  
- = remove 
* = fixed  
# = updated

:: History

+ added .lex file support (Xbox360 System Files)
+ added create binary for IDA
+ added binary 2 xex option
* fixed Incorrect ending by binary files
+ added language option
* fixed ml_xexgui.lng file
* fixed Multilanguage system

+ added better Dumb folder create function
* fixed backup bug no xex file selected and reload the GUI 
  (I hate this bug I hope that was the last time)
# updated GUI for multilanguage 
+ added multilanguage support
+ added xex bounding path option
+ added more remove options
  remove bounding device id
  remove console id restriction
  remove dates restriction
  remove keyvault privileges restriction

v1.6 Beta
+ added xex compression 
+ added xex uncrypt and encrypt function
+ added idc create funktion for IDA
+ added xex dump function
* fixed TitleUpdate search bug 
+ added TitleUpdate search function 
  JQE360 and XBUC webside
* fixed a bug in the about window
+ added better xex patch function
  ( xex, xexp files no longer needs to be in the same folder )
+ added new backup function
+ added xex information
- remove many source code
+ added cmd control for xextool.exe
+ added create xex machine format
  devkit and retail
+ added complete new ui
+ added more remove options
  remove bounding pathname
  remove keyvault privileges restriction
  remove required revocation check
  remove Zero media ID
  remove Ap2.5 (Beta)

+ added better backup Function
+ added Remove and Rename Funktion
+ added xextool check
* fixed little UI Bug
* fixed Remove Rename Check Bug
* fixed Backup check Bug
+ update UI

+ update UI 
+ added default_mp.xex Backup
+ added default_mp.xex Patch 

= Basic UI
= Create Backup from default.xex 
= Remove Region Limits
  NTSC/U, NTSC/J (Excluded China), PAL and make a 
  Region Free default.xex
= Remove Media Limits 
= Remove Dash Limits
= Removes the Dash Version check good for old Dash versions.
= xex Patch with xexp
  Patch the latest version for your game


by mLoaD

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