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App.db Tool 6.0

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  • Export and import your LiveArea layout
  • Wipe database without loosing your LiveArea
  • Refresh database


  • Export and wipe: Export your current LA layout and let the system create a new app.db
  • Export [no wipe]: Export your current LA layout
  • Import: Apply your backed up LA settings to the system app.db
  • Rebuild: Trigger a database update (No changes to your LA)


  • What makes this app different is that it will NOT backup/restore your app.db!

It will export/import your LiveArea settings instead,
so that you will not get stuck in a loop if your previous app.db was damaged,
and you will not loose your LA layout.

This is NOT a classic app.db backup/restore app.

by Kylon.

No te pierdas nada, síguenos en Twitter, Mastodon o Threads!
Preguntas, aportes y peticiones en el foro.

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