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VitaGrafix Configurator 3.0

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A GUI Configurator for the VitaGrafix plugin.


After opening the app, if you don't have a config.txt file on ux0:/data/VitaGrafix or it wasn't updated to the latest version, the app will do that for you.

You'll be greeted by a VitaGrafix Settings screen, which contains the override settings for Enabled and OSD

Main Menu


  • Up and Down on the DPAD: Move the selection up or down

  • Cross:

    • If the selected button is the "Enable" or "OSD" then it will toggle them On or Off (If marked by an X then they are On, if empty then they are Off)
    • If the selected button is the "Internal Resolution" button, the app will open the Keyboard where you can type the intended Internal Resolution. This resolution can be anything with a width between 0 (exclusive) and 960 (inclusive), and a height between 0 (exclusive) and 544 (inclusive) and has to follow the format: WxH. The Internal Resolution mod can also be set to "OFF" by inputing that into the text field. Some games also support multiple resolutions in this field, separated by a ",".
    • If the selected button is the Save Config button, it will save the entire config.
  • Left and Right on the DPAD:

    • If the selection is on the game list, it will scroll through the games
    • If the selection is either on Framebuffer or FPS, it will scroll through the available modes for those options
  • Triangle: If the selection is on any of the fields that have a (Default:) text in front of them, it will set those fields to the default value. The default value is the VitaGrafix plugin default and not the game default.

  • L and R: Moves trough the list of games (same as Left and Right but without the need of selecting the game list)

Game screen


After you are done setting the options to your liking, just press the Save Config button


Not every option available might be compatible with each game, please refer to the compatibility table on the VitaGrafix patchlist github page

Que novedades incluye la versión 3.0


  • Added support for VitaGrafix 5.0+

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