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PSVita Cheat Z06

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This is a plugin that allows you to add cheats, improvements in games, such as ammunition, money, or lives endless thanks to the support of NoNpDRM, MaiDump or Vitamin games.

Changelog Z06: 

  • VitaCheat only supports firmware 3.65 or higher
  • Added support for the plugin suprx
  • Using the double buffer to improve the flickering of the image
  • Replaces font files and adds an interface in traditional Chinese
  • The coding of cheat files has gone from GBK to UTF8
  • The memory dump generates a .txt file of the same name and stores all the information about the process module to use.
  • Improved code in B2 format
  • Accurate search range increases Auto option
  • The main interface displays the game name and information about the remaining memory.


  • Copy vitacheat.suprx to the folder ux0: vitacheat and copy vitacheat.skprx to the ur0: vitacheat folder.
  • Add to the config.txt file under * KERNEL:
    • Ur0: vitacheat / vitacheat.skprx

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