This utility allows you to simply add your new games in a few clicks. I thank before all things the authors of lolhack and bleemsync for their work, I come here just to give simplicity in the use.
Previously you must have your usb stick ready with bleemsync already injecting to which you already have a file / GAMES / .This is where your future game generated with my utility will go.
#Added .bin games (only for now .iso are coming soon)
# .Cue generation
# Generation of the game.ini
# Generation pcsx.cfg
# Generate the .png
How to do :
- Start Ps_classic_gui.exe
- Select your Generate a game .bin
- Select your game .bin
- Select your .png
- Enter Game.ini information
- Select the index of the folder (this concerns the incrementation of your folders which is in your games directory to 1 2 3)
- Click generate -> wait -> once finished go to game and copy the file index number to your USB Games /
- Connect to the PS classic mini.