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Turf Loader (PES 2019 PC) 0.4

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Injects randomly a turf based on the given probabilities for a team (see map_teams.csv)


  • Injects randomly a turf based on the given probabilities for a team (see map_teams.csv)
  • Supports summer and winter turf (only "Estadio del Nuevo Triunfo" contains winter turfs)
    • Summer, Fine: muddy or sandy turf
    • Summer, Rain: muddy turf
    • Winter, Fine: muddy turf
    • Winter, Rain: muddy turf
    • Winter, Snow: snowy turf
  • You can add as many pitch textures and turf withers as you want
  • Turf withers can be used for all stadiums, therefore they are some kind of generic


  1. Install Sider 5.1.0 (or higher)
  2. Copy folders "content" and "modules" to your PES2019 directory and overwrite the directories. No files of sider will be overwritten.
  3. Add the following line to your sider.ini: lua.module = "TurfLoaderForTeams.lua"


  • juce and nesa24 for sider
  • zlac and Hawke for writing lua modules (which have inspired this module)
  • Chuny for his turf modding tutorial (which have inspired me creating new turfs)

by Baris.

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