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MACpass 2.0

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Another mac changer for 3DS homepass. Got some nice features.

This program cycles Mac addresses similar in fashion to previously released programs  such as Chaldron's Mac Cycler and Team Fail's MACycle. Many thanks to them for  inspiration.

WARNING !! Cycling Mac addresses could disrupt your system registry, corrupt your network device drivers, and make your computer unstable. Use with caution and at your own risk. See License.txt for  more info. BACKUP your computer before doing this! 

Also note that this homepass method simply will not work with some network devices (ex. intel centrino).

Changelog v2.0

  • Edit Macs in app window or txt file
  • Enter Windows cmd prompt commands in app window
  • Customize cmd prompt commands in app window or text file
  • Toggle off virtual miniport restart when not using Windows 7/8
  • Edit cooldown time (time between network reset and virtual miniport restart)
  • Countdown timer, run custom number of macs at a time


  • -Editable mac list in txt form
  • -Saves cycle progress, delay time, and random mac list
  • -Custom adaptor name
  • -Pausing
  • -Skip to next mac
  • -Random by default (unique list order per user)
  • -Simple gui interface
  • -Low CPU overhead
  • -Open source in Python
  • -Stand alone Python distribution


  1. Just follow the setup directions here: http://gbatemp.net/threads/how-to-have-a-homemade-streetpass-relay.352645/#Windows7
  2. Name your wifi card Wi-Fi in Network and Sharing Center. (or custom name, see below)
  3. Run this program (as adminisrator) after your virtual access point attwifi is started. Press start to begin cycling macs. Shuffle macs is really not necessary since a random mac list is generated on first usage. Deleting or renaming macs.txt will force program to generate new list on startup. This is recommended if you desire a new random list. A custom sequential ordered list can be added as macs.txt, but it is not recommended.

Note: for custom adaptor name in place of default 'Wi-Fi', create a 'config.ini' file and place it next to MACpass.exe. Open the file and type your custom adaptor name directly after 'adapter=' and save. The custom name should appear in the window's title bar when you run the program.


Start -- Begins Mac Cycle. Don't press while cycling. Use Save/Pause or Stop first.

Shuffle Macs -- Reshuffles mac order. (since this is done for you this is not necessary or recommended)

Save/Pause -- Does just that in that exact order. Overwrites previous data. Only one save txt generated. 
Press Start to resume. Most commands in MACpass only function when the program is paused.

Load Saved Macs -- Loads saved mac list along with mac cycle position and delay

Next Mac -- Move to next mac if you have spare time left over after a hit. Do NOT do this until your 
network is done reseting. This takes about 10-20 seconds. Pay attention to the signal strength icon
in the Windows taskbar, it 'swirls' when the network is resetting. Adjust your cooldown time accordingly.

Delay -- Seconds in between mac changes. Less than 30 seconds not allowed for saftey. It takes about 10-20secs for the network to reset.
Mac List (scrollbared mini-window on right) -- Click on a mac to then press START to begin cycling at that point.

Countdown -- Enter a number here for the number of macs to run before the program pauses. It counts down in real time.

Execute -- Inputs and executes the command directly in the text field to the left (they can be edited before entering). 
Use this only as a convenience and choose your commands carefully according the instructions on GBAtemp linked above. 
There is a config.ini file where you can add additional cmd commands. Just add 'command=' to a new line and then your 
command immediatly after. Take note of the commands already present for an example on the correct format.

Load --  (small button under mac list) Load Currently selected mac into editing field.
Enter -- (small button under mac list, to right of Load) Confirms edited mac address. Press Save/Pause to save it to macsave.txt.

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