This is an updated Wiiscrubber that fixes a few bugs and adds a few features.
Whats new?
- 1. ticket.bin is displayed under the partition.bin breakout
- 2. cert.bin and tmd.bin can now be different sizes
- 3. Extra button for Trimming an ISO - this makes an ISO slightly larger than the indicated data size - USES TRUCHA
- 4. Confirmation window on Shrinking partition
- 5. Proper Korean key support so can open and scrub/trim/extract/replace Korean ISOs
- 7. Deleted the 'force Wii' option as I followed the advice of Marcan
- 8.Partition support corrected due to a Wii limitation on Primary partition (you can only have
- three partitions in the primary. To paraphrase Star Wars "Many verbatims died to bring you this information").
- 9.Can save/load/import crypted partitions making replacement much quicker
- 10.Full 4 partition offset support
- 11.Partition titles displayed in the window.
In other words you can easily create a multipartition disc. AKA a multiboot.
Companion software:
- 1. Makewiikeybin. exe - makes a key.bin file for you. Does not contain the actual key but generates it from a simple algorithm. - Decided to remove this from the pack due to some twittering. See links for possible solution - I also recommend hexd.exe. Version 1.1 also generates the Korean kkey.bin.
- 2. PartitionBuilder - allows you to generate a partition file that can be loaded via wiiscrubber. This means you can now generate an entire partition from a directory of files. So rather than changing one at a time you can extract an entire partition, change whatever files you want and then rebuild.
- 3. Partition.bin changer - allows you to view/modify the ticket, tmd, certs and h3.bin in one simple editing package Allows trucha signing of ticket and tmd
- 4. HBC Multiboot file, based on SoftChip, that allows you to select which partition to boot from. i.e. A multiISO loader
Bug Fixes:
- 1. You can actually load/replace partition.bin again - this was broken in the 1.30 to 1.31 update
- 2. Shrink partition works correctly now - incorrect size was being copied down - OOOPS.
- 3. Can change the bootmode of unusually defined boot mode discs
- 4. Partitions now start on a 0x20000 boundary as the Wii seems to like them that way
- 5. Partitions in the second partition table now show correctly