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Generator SX OS License Hack 1.0.0

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The purpose of this script is to change the license decryption key. which will allow you to create your own license.

How to work

  • You will need to run SXOS for the first time to create a license-request.dat file which you will then retrieve from the SD.
  • Then you copied it to a folder containing the boot.dat file (unmodified) and the script.
  • You run the script that will modify the boot.dat file to replace the license key and create a license that matches your license-request.dat.
  • Copied license.dat and boot.dat to your SD card. and admired the work.

My script was updated by @mrdude and he fix the cheat support and some mistake i made on my first script, @b&nder for his help about the reverse engineering and many thing, @chronoss for his great collaboration a sacrifice for his sx licence :rofl2:, @Zoria , @hexkyz, Shadow and Darkstorm.

by Reacher17.

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