Extract to "c:\windows" and double click "registration.reg".
Trick 1:
- Associate "dol & elf" files with wiiload.exe (wiiload.exe has no icon, so I made a custom wiiload with wii icon)
Add wiiload to windows "Environment variables" using "WIILOAD" as variable and "tcp:192.168.1.x" as Value
- (replace that with your Wii's IP - it's displayed in the homebrew channel - better having it static)
- Start Homebrew channel
- Now open your dols/elfs via double click 🙂
Trick 2:
- Associate "wad" files with customizemii
- Now you can edit the wads directly via double click
Trick 3:
- 1. Associate "app & bnr" files with wiiplayer.exe (wii_bnr_player with custom icon) dll files included
2. Open registry Editor and replace %1 with %CURDIR%
- You can skip steps 1 and 2 if you have extracted the 7z in "c:\windows" and double clicked the registry file.
- 3. Now you can preview the banner files by just double clicking them
Made by AbdallahTerro.