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SafeB9SInstaller 0.0.7

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Safe, simple, user-friendly installer for sighaxed FIRMs.

## Credits
* **Normmatt**, for sdmmc.c / sdmmc.h
* **Cha(N)**, **Kane49**, and all other FatFS contributors for FatFS
* **Myria** for the sighax bruteforcer and for finding the sighax (retail&dev) signature
* **SciresM** for dumping boot9, creating boot9strap.firm and for being the first fearless person to test this
* **hedgeberg** for her tireless efforts in dumping the bootrom
* **TuxSH** for FIRM research and useful hints
* **Plailect** for providing the guide and making this accessible to the common user
* **stuckpixel** for his tireless behind-the-scenes work
* **Gelex** for being of great help on countless occasions
* The fine folks on **freenode #Cakey**
* All **[3dbrew.org](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Main_Page) editors**
* Everyone I possibly forgot, if you think you deserve to be mentioned, just contact me!

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.0.7


A new release to fix updater compatibility on boot9strap v1.1 / v1.2 and to also provide proper compatibility on those repartitioned NANDs some of you guys have now.

This is new:

  • Fixed compatibility with boot9strap v1.1 / v1.2 (you wouldn't have guessed)
  • Compatibility with custom NCSD partitioning
  • Fixed "FIRM crypto fail" false positive

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