This branch is based on the BHEU exploit and is not related to the bad_hoist exploit. It is only kept here to re-use utility scripts from the bad_hoist version without copying.
Supported firmwares
This branch is for firmware 7.02. The main branch supports firmwares 6.50 to 6.72.
ROP compiler setup
In order to run the ROP compiler you need to have dumps of WebKit, libc & libkernel.
Run make and follow instructions to obtain the dumps.
Dependencies: python3, gcc, ROPgadget
Assembly-like ROP format
This toolchain uses assembly-like ROP format that is briefly described below.
Declare a label. Labels are global and should be valid Python identifiers.
Find a gadget that looks like asm_instr ; ret and insert its address. Will error out if the gadget is not found inside the dumps.
Note: after dumping you can find a dumps/gadgets.txt file.
# comment
For each line, every character after the first # is considered a comment.
db <expr>
(<expr>) must be a valid Python expression that evaluates to a collection of integers in range(256). The corresponding bytes will be written into the ropchain.
Examples: db 1, 2, 3, db bytes(256)
dq <expr>
<expr> must be a valid Python expression that evaluates to an integer. The integer will be written into the ropchain as a 64-bit little-endian value.
dp <expr>
Same as above, but <expr> should evaluate to an offset from the start of the ropchain. This will result in an absolute address being written.
For example, the commands
pop rsp
dp label_to_jump_to
will perform a jump.
<expr> should be a JavaScript expression that evaluates to an integer. The expression will be executed inside the exploited WebKit and the result will be written into the ropchain as a 64-bit little-endian value.
Example: $infloop_addr
Note: in JavaScript numbers only have 52-bit precision.
<expr> will be inserted into the resulting JavaScript code literally.
If <expr> reads exactly pivot(ropchain);, the final pivot statement will be omitted.
See examples of this language in the rop/ directory.
ROP compiler usage
usage: python3 rop/ <rop_source> <gadgets.txt> > <rop_js>
<rop_source> is the ropchain source code in the format described above.
<gadgets.txt> should point to dumps/gadgets.txt (or an alternative gadgets file in the same format).
<rop_js> is the resulting JavaScript file that should be executed.
Running ropchains
To run a compiled ROP chain, add the corresponding <script> tag to the end of index.html, then load that page in the PS4 web browser.
by sleirsgoevy.