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PS4 Trophy Unlocker 1.3

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Trophy Unlocker for PS4.

Its simple.

  • Run TrophyUnlocker.exe
  • Add the Param.sfo of the current game you want to run.
  • Add the Nptitle and NpBlind files add the trophy.trp file
  • All can be dumped with the app dump payload.

Click build.

  • Now install the created pkg on the ps4 (If the game is installed it will overwrite it so be careful)
  • Run it.
  • Click the arrows up and down to select the trophy you want unlocked
  • [ ] to view the trophy list.
  • X to unlock.
  • And Triangle for a screenshot


Note: Trophy Unlocker it's part of PS4 Tools.

Have fun

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.3


  • It now has a unlock all feature.
  • Display's trophy title and details

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