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Spotify Downloader 1.0.0

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  • Downloads songs from YouTube in an MP3 format by using Spotify's HTTP link.

  • Can also download a song by entering its artist and song name (in case if you don't have the Spotify's HTTP link for some song).

  • Automatically applies metadata to the downloaded song which include:

    • Title
    • Artist
    • Album
    • Album art
    • Lyrics (if found on http://lyrics.wikia.com)
    • Album artist
    • Genre
    • Track number
    • Disc number
    • Release date
    • And more...
  • Works straight out of the box and does not require to generate or mess with your API keys (already included).

That's how your music library will look like!



This tool works only with Python 3.

Python 2 compatibility was dropped because of the way it deals with unicode (2020 is coming soon too). If you still need to use Python 2 - check out the (outdated) python2 branch.

spotify-downloader works with all major distributions and even on low-powered devices such as a Raspberry Pi.

Check out the Installation wiki page for OS-specific instructions to get spotify-downloader working on your system.


For the most basic usage, downloading tracks is as easy as

$ python3 spotdl.py --song https://open.spotify.com/track/2DGa7iaidT5s0qnINlwMjJ
$ python3 spotdl.py --song "ncs - spectre"

For downloading playlist and albums, you need to first load all the tracks into text file and then pass this text file to --listargument. Here is how you would do it for a playlist

$ python3 spotdl.py --playlist https://open.spotify.com/user/nocopyrightsounds/playlist/7sZbq8QGyMnhKPcLJvCUFD
INFO: Writing 62 tracks to ncs-releases.txt
$ python3 spotdl.py --list ncs-releases.txt

Run python3 spotdl.py --help to get a list of all available options in spotify-downloader.

Check out the Available options wiki page for the list of currently available options with their description.

The wiki page Instructions for Downloading Songs contains detailed information about different available ways to download tracks.


Check out our FAQ wiki page for more info.


Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more info.

Running Tests

$ python3 -m pytest test

Obviously this requires the pytest module to be installed.


Downloading copyright songs may be illegal in your country. This tool is for educational purposes only and was created only to show how Spotify's API can be exploited to download music from YouTube. Please support the artists by buying their music.

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  • Contenido similar

    • Por Dekuwa
      ## 12/MAY Still working on the update.... sorry.
      Download an entire spotify playlist (160kbps mp3's) to your local machine with a simple interface
      When it starts downloading it checks if you already downloaded the song if so it skips it.
      When done downloading it also writes the ID3 data and album art to the file.
      ###To install:

      Install nodejs (USE INSTALLER!! Install 64bit if you're on a 64bit system!!!) if you haven't already. ([NodeJS Downloads](https://nodejs.org/en/download/))  
      Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 if you haven't already. ([Download](https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/download/details.aspx?id=48130))
      Then download this repository ([HERE](https://github.com/dekiller82/spotify-playlist-downloader-with-windows-gui/archive/master.zip)) or use the button on github. 
      Unpack the repository and run the .exe (source code can be found [here]( https://github.com/dekiller82/Spotify-Playlist-Downloader-GUI))
      ###First Time Setup (Only needs to be done right after downloading)
      **I recommend using a brand new Spotify Account for this tool!**
      Log In using your Spotify Username and Password.
      You can't login with Facebook accounts so you will have to create a new Spotify user to login.
      The tool will check for the node_modules folder on startup. If it's not there it will take care of the npm install.
      New UI
      Bugfix for Usernames with a dot in their name
      New Log in screen
      Password will be wiped on log out only
      Tool now also downloads album art and attaches it.
      You can now download up to 5 playlists in 1 go
      Instead of opening a new prompt for downloading output is now in the program
      Bugfix for underscores in usernames
      Added security feature to wipe password after download.
      You can now download up to 3 playlists in 1 go
      NodeJS launch bugfix
      Added option for /Artist/Album file structure
      Updated default download folder to the Windows Music folder.
      Updated Layout
      Initial Release
      Add option to set download folder (For now songs will be saved to: C:\Users\youruser\Music)
      ~~Add option to download multiple playlists~~ DONE! Since V1.1
      ~~Add option to download all mp3's to a single folder~~ DONE! Since V1.0.5 with the Artist/Album option
      ###Additional Comments
      If you get any errors please go to "C:\Program Files\nodejs" and see if node.exe and npm.cmd are installed there
      To download Albums for now the only way to do it is to add the songs to a playlist and then download that playlist.
      Free Accounts get limited after a while though, but starts downloading again afterwards
      You can't login with Facebook accounts so you will have to create a new Spotify user to login.
      #####Thanks to /u/dva010/
      If you are trying to download an artist that has a '.' at the end of their name, it will create a folder that Windows will not allow you to delete without running a command in cmd.
      Pasted command below on how to remove the folder if you guys run into this issue.
      Command to delete folder that ends in '.'
      rd /s "\?\C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\Annoying Folder."
      ### Disclaimer:
      - This was done purely as an academic exercise.
      - This my first coding project so code is sloppy en ugly
      - I do not recommend you doing this illegally or against Spotify's terms of service.
    • Por Dekuwa
      Aplicación que permite descargar canciones desde Spotify, con versión para Windows y Mac.
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