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ds34vita 1.1

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  • Combines functionality of xerpi's ds4vita and ds3vita.
  • Alows to use up to two controllers at the same time.
  • Has proper (PS TV way) buttons mapping.
  • Fixed no-sleep bug
  • Fixed multitouch issues
  • Added deadzone for touchpanel (same as PS TV)
  • Allows reVita integration.


  • Copy ds34vita.skprx to ur0:/tai/ folder
  • Add ds34vita.skprx to taiHEN's config (ur0:/tai/config.txt) under KERNEL section:


  • Based on ds4vita by xerpi
  • Based on ds3vita by xerpi
  • All testing done by bosshunter

by MERLev.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.1


  • Add support for the DualSense (by Hydr8gon)
  • Trackpad and Mic buttons made functional

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