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FunTuna (FreeMCBoot for Fortuna) v1 r2

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A standalone Free McBoot for Fortuna. Includes OPL, SMS, ESR and uLE pre-packed inside.

Well, FunTuna is a compilation of edited existing homebrew.

It includes custom versions of Fortuna, Free McBoot, uLaunchELF and the Free McBoot Configurator. All of them edited to works from "mc0:/BOOT/" only and edits the timestamps of that folder back to "2099-12-31 23:59:59" when something is edited inside.

Also, the FMCB used in FunTuna is a standalone ELF, not as a OSDSYS Update, so it means you can copy it from one Memory Card to another and it WILL work.

Also, this makes everything simpler to users of consoles with Browsers v2.30+ (SCPH-900XX and Bravia TVs), since to mod their consoles they now just need to paste a PSU file (which comes with every useful homebrew inside) in their Memory Card.


How to install

  1. Copy the "FunTuna-R2.psu" to a pendrive.
  2. In your PS2, launch uLaunchELF(*).
  3. In uLE go to "File Browser", then "mass:/" and then look for the "FunTuna-R2.psu" file and highlight it.
  4. Press R1, then "Copy". (Check if there's a green label in the top right corner, if it is NOT there, then try pressing O instead of X or X instead of O when you select the "Copy" option).
  5. Go to ".." then go to "mc0:/".
  6. If you hava a folder called "FORTUNA", highlight it, press R1 and select "Delete"
  7. Check there's at least 2.60MB of free space in your Memory Card (check at the top).
  8. Press R1 and then select "psuPaste".
  9. Wait until it finishes, the reboot your console.

(*) We advise to use the specific uLE version provided here (WorkingULE.ELF) as we noticed that some uLE and wLE builds out there fails to properly set the timestamp.

If you do not have an exploit on your console, you can use FreeDVDBoot to launch uLE.

How to execute on consoles without modchip

FunTuna does not AutoBoots with your console. You need to run it every time you turn on your PS2.

Doing it is quite simple:

  1. Go to the PS2 Browser, then open your 1st memory card and you will see an invisible icon.
  2. Press O to go back (or X if your console is Asian)
  3. You will see that the memory card icons are now transparent. Press O (or X) to go back again and done.

How to execute on consoles with modchip

  1. You can use the method for consoles without modchip.
  2. You can configure your modchip to autoboot DEV1, so it will launch FunTuna on boot.

How to copy from one Memory Card to another

  1. Be sure there's no Fortuna saves on the Memory Card where you want to copy FunTuna. Also, be sure your PS2 haves the actual date and that there are no saves with futuristic timestamp on the Memory Card where you want to copy FunTuna. Else, you can set the date to the future temporary.
  2. Place the Memory Card where FunTuna is in the slot 1. Place the another one in the slot 2.
  3. Turn on your console and go to the PS2 Browser and then enter the first Memory Card.
  4. Select the transparent icon and copy it from the Memory Card in slot 1 to the Memory Card in slot 2
  5. After the copy finishes, shut down your console
  6. Take the Memory Card from slot 2 and place it in slot 1
  7. Boot FunTuna as usual
  8. Go to the Free McBoot Configurator
  9. Select "Save CNF to MC0". Now the FunTuna timestamp in the new Memory Card is set to 2099-12-31 23:59:59, the highest available on the PS2. If you changed your PS2's date for some reason, you can now set it back to the real actual date.


FunTuna is just for use in Slim PS2 consoles.

Just like the original Fortuna project, once FunTuna is installed on your Memory Card, it is advised to NOT use it on a FAT PS2 console or it could damage the savedatas inside your Memory Card. If you want to use that Memory Card on these kind of consoles, just delete FunTuna or Fortuna and done.


  • Original Projects:
    • Fortuna Project: krat0s
    • Free McBoot: jimmikaelkael and neme
    • Free McBoot Configurator: suloku
    • uLaunchELF: EP, dlanor and mirakichi
  • Modified Homebrew:
    • Fortuna Project mod: AlKa-Rajo
    • Free McBoot, Free McBoot Configurator and uLaunchELF mods: Howling Wolf & Chelsea
  • Other homebrews in this package:
    • ESR: ffgriever
    • OpenPS2Loader: Ifcaro, volca, jimmikaelkael, polo35, izdubar, hominem.te.esse, SP193, BatRastard, crazyc, dlanor, doctorxyz, reprep, belek666, Maximus32, misfire, Berion, RandQalan, yoshi314, EP, LocalH, lee4, El_Patas, ShaolinAssassin, algol, gledson999, jolek, zero35, Eugene Plotnikov, Marcus R. Brown, icyson55, Eric Young, fjtrujy
    • Simple Media System: Eugene Plotnikov
    • Power Off: SP193
  • Special Thanks: uyjulian, fjtrujy
  • BETA Testing team: Birdatoo, Duncan Idaho, Haker120 (a youkai of love), LourdesAnn (Snow), MrMario2011, NightBreeze, Samus2K (T-Virus), Senyuki, theANY, TnA, Venão, Versatile, Webzen

by HWNJ.

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