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Sharpscale 1.50

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Sharpscale plugin + config app set was created by cuevavirus to allow PS VITA and PS TV to run in High Definition (HD).


Sharpscale is a PSTV and PS Vita plugin that changes the framebuffer to display scaling method to provide a cleaner and sharper image.

This plugin is the only method to obtain native resolution video capture with accurate colours at 60fps. A hardware capture kit for the Vita was previously available from Japan for $450 USD, but due to changes in Japanese laws, this is no longer available.

This is the first time in history a Vita nuova bounty organised by Rinnegamante has been filled. I want to thank the donors ScHlAuChii, eleriaqueen, mansjg, TG, as well as the excellent members of CBPS for the support they have provided.

I also want to thank rinne for diligently updating each bounty issue with the bounty total whenever someone else donated.


  • Use the latest version of AutoPlugin 2 to install the plugin + config set on your homebrew enabled PS VITA or PS TV.

by cuevavirus.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.50


  • Texts in the configuration app has been changed for clarity
  • Configuration app has a manual that can be opened from the LiveArea
  • kernel plugin does not need to be updated

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