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Ghost eShop Alternative 3DS 9.0

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This is an alternative 3ds eshop in the form of a Universal-Updater script.

Put the .json files in /3ds/Universal-Updater/scripts/

Universal-Team is not affiliated with this project. Universal-Team is against piracy.

This script will become a homebrew that will absolutely not depend on Universal-Team or using one of their tools, when the homebrew of its script comes out, we will adapt its script so that it does not work with Universal-Updater.

We currently have: 64 files in . cia format





  • For games over 200Mib, it is advisable to have a stable connection (ADSL + Private network)
  • For games over 950Mib, it is advisable to have fiber (Fiber + Private network)

Made by Ghost0159. 

Que novedades incluye la versión 9.0


  • Se agregaron nuevos juegos en comparación con la v8.0
  • Cambios en los colores del guión
  • Mejores traducciones, gracias a todos nuestros traductores
  • Adición de cualquier descripción del juego + autor


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