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SaltyNX Tool 1.1

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To manage functions of this SaltyNX fork min. 0.2.0a.

To use only in Applet mode. Title replacement mode in 99.9% of cases will block function responsible for checking if SaltyNX is alive and can even crash SaltyNX.

If you want to disable\enable log writing, press ZL.

If SaltyNX was not injected, it crashed or SaltyNX-Tool can't check if it's running, you will see... Red Screen of Death.


If you will see red text with first line:

"SaltyNX is not injected!!" - check if files were copied properly and try to restart Switch.
"Checking SaltyNX is not possible! Run homebrew in Applet mode!" - run homebrew from Album hbmenu
Otherwise it means CFW can't handle it.

by masagrator.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.1


  • Changed interface from console to Borealis framework.
  • Added icon

With Borealis it should be easier to understand notifications and other things.


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