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pFBN (pFBA) for PS Vita 4.4

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Adaptación a PS Vita del emulador FBA realizada por ScHlAuChi.


Que novedades incluye la versión 4.4


  • add nes console support
  • update fbneo core to commit 89f2b6d
  • add "big_preview" skin
  • romlist: fix lower/upper cases sorting
  • romlist: don't filter on file extension, show any files in roms folder
  • load previews from default folders even if the game do not exist in database ("media/mixrbv2/.png", "media/video/.mp4")
  • add "no preview" image when no preview found
  • add a few effects to preview images/videos
  • further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

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