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CaptureSight 0.10.0

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CaptureSight is a Nintendo Switch homebrew to view Pokemon Sword and Shield data while playing Sword and Shield. CaptureSight comes as both an overlay and an applet.


  • View Pokemon species, attacks, IVs, etc. for
    • Wild Pokemon
    • In-Trade Pokemon
    • Raid Pokemon
    • Party Pokemon
    • Box Pokemon
  • View all Active Dens
    • Current seed for Raid RNG
    • The number of advances until a Shiny Pokemon
    • Species of a den (has a bug with event Pokemon - see below)
    • Stars of a den
  • Find the raid seed that created a Pokemon
    • Join a trade or raid with a person who doesn't have custom firmware and use CaptureSight to get their raid seed
    • View upcoming IVs for any den or Pokemon raid seed
  • Since CaptureSight can show the next shiny frame, upcoming IVs, and seed that created a Pokemon, no external tools are needed for Raid RNG
    • With raid and trade views, anyone without custom firmware only needs to know someone with custom firmware to do Raid RNG
  • The Applet has translations for multiple langues based on the Switch language setting

How do I use CaptureSight?

To use the applet:

  • Download the latest CaptureSight release.
  • Unzip the archive to get CaptureSight.nro
  • Copy CaptureSight.nro to be inside the /switch directory on your switch's SD card
  • Start Pokemon Sword or Shield
  • Open the homebrew menu and launch CaptureSight

To use the overlay:

  • Setup WerWolv's Tesla
  • Download the latest CaptureSight-Overlay.zip
  • Unzip the archive to get CaptureSight.ovl
  • Copy CaptureSight.ovl to be inside the /switch/.overlays directory on your switch's SD card
  • Start Pokemon Sword or Shield
  • Press the key combo to open Tesla Menu (L + Dpad Down + R joystick as of this writing)
  • Open CaptureSight with Tesla



Thanks to the following for helping make this app:

  • Switchbrew for their research and libnx which makes it possible to create homebrew
  • ReSwitched for their research, Atmosphere and libstratosphere which is invaluable for switch homebrew
  • Kaphotics, SciresM, and all contributors of PKHeX which has great documentation for the all things Pokemons, Pokemon icons, and i18n resources
  • imneme for their cpp xoroshiro gist which is used in CaptureSight
  • nlohmann for their c++ JSON library
  • XorTroll for Plutonium
  • WerWolv for libtesla and EdiZon's isServiceRunning code
  • Flagbrew for PKSM which gave guidance for c++ Pokemon code organization
  • RichardPaulAstley for French translations
  • Leanny, Admiral Fish, wwwwwwzx, Kaphotics, and Vladcik for helping look into raid RNG
  • Leanny and Kaphotics for the PKHeX Raid Plugin, which CaptureSight borrows raid logic from
  • All Pokemon researchers and contributors

Que novedades incluye la versión 0.10.0


  • CaptureSight se reescribió (en su mayoría)
  • El subprograma se ha eliminado y solo se mantendrá la superposición en el futuro
  • Algunas vistas, como las vistas RNG, son desmontables y se pueden mantener abiertas mientras se envía la entrada al juego. La conexión y desconexión de controles de CaptureSight se realiza presionando el botón Up Dpad
  • Se agregaron nuevas vistas a Sword and Shield
    • RNG principal
    • Entrenador TID / SID
  • Se agregó el soporte Brilliant Diamond y Shining Pearl
    • RNG principal
    • Grupos aleatorios de grupo 0 y 1
    • Pokémon de fiesta, salvajes y subterráneos
    • Guardería
    • Entrenador TID / SID
  • La vista de Pokémon se actualizó para mostrar TID / SID y, opcionalmente, ocultar EC / PID
  • Se mostrarán mensajes de error útiles si se produce un juego no compatible, una actualización no compatible o un problema con dmnt: cht al cargar el juego

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