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PFS Shell 1.1.1

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PFS (PlayStation File System) shell for POSIX-based systems

This tool allows you to browse and transfer files to and from PFS filesystems using the command line.

This tool is useful for transfering configuration and media files used by programs such as Open PS2 Loader and SMS.

To start the program, simply provide the path to it on the command line:


You will get a prompt similar to the following:

To get a list of commands, type in the following:

> help

To select a device which can be a disk image or block device, type in the following:

> device /path/to/device

Block devices can be used on Windows by using the UNC path.
Once a device is selected, the prompt will change to the following:

To mount a partition (for example, the +OPL partition), type in the following:

# mount +OPL

The prompt will change to the following:


To get a list of files, type in the following:

+OPL:/# ls

To transfer a file from the current directory of the PFS partition to the current directory of the process, type in the following:

+OPL:/# get example.txt

To transfer a file from the current directory of the process to the current directory of the PFS partition, type in the following:

+OPL:/# put example.txt

Once you are finished looking around in the partition, type in the following:

+OPL:/# umount

Once you are finished with the program, type in the following:

# exit

by uyjulian.

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.1.1


  • Shared library added
  • Allow deletion of partitions beginning with __

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