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Appstore Workbench 3.2

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A desktop gui for the Homebrew Appstore written in python.

Uses the switchbru/4TU team's site as a backend for image and package downloads.

One of the main goals of this app is to provide a homebrew management tool that doesn't require the switch to access the internet. Especially useful for people who always keep their switch in airplane mode.


  • Dynamic Search
  • Categories
  • Downloading directly from the switchbru/4tu site
  • Compatible with the Homebrew Appstore package manager
  • Easily open project pages
  • Threaded operations mean the app stays responsive with big downloads
  • Scalable window


  • Works on: macOS, Windows, Linux
  • Python 3.6 or greater

How to use:

  • Windows:
    • Extract appstore-workbench.zip
    • Install python
    • You must restart your pc after installing python for the first time.
    • If you do a custom installation remember to install tcl/tk, add python to the path, and include pip
    • In a command prompt navigate to the dir you extracted the app to and type pip install -r requirements to install dependencies
    • Double-click appstoreworkbench.bat
  • Macintosh:
    • Extract appstore-workbench.zip
    • Mac users may already have a compatible version of python installed, try double-clicking appstoreworkbench.py --If the file opens in a text reader, close the reader and right-click the file and open it with pylauncher
    • If this still doesn't work, install python
    • To run the app: double-click unofficial-appstore.py
  • Linux:
    • Extract appstore-workbench.zip
    • Navigate to the directory in a terminal
    • Type python appstoreworkbench.py
    • If you are missing dependencies do the following:
    • sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-tk python3-pil.imagetk
    • If you don't know how to do this you should probably be using Windows.


  • Mac:
    • Error: ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1056)
    • Solution: Macintosh HD > Applications > Python3.6 folder (or whatever version of python you're using) > double click on "Install Certificates.command" file

How to use:

  • Connect your SD card to your computer
  • Start the app
  • Click the "Select SD root" button
  • A file dialog should appear, select the root of your SD card
  • Select an app you'd like to see more about
  • Click install to have the app properly installed on to the SD card
  • When you're done, unmount your SD card, put it in your homebrewed Nintendo Switch, and reboot.


  • If you are getting errors about tkinter or pillow look above at the setup instructions for your OS
  • Image download errors are to be expected, please do not report them.


by LifeOnEdge.

Que novedades incluye la versión 3.2



  • Fixed looping update bug, added more themed widgets for plugins to use, added window controls.


  • No longer fails on windows due to path format


  • This is a huge revamp once again. The gui has moved to a plugin system, only download what you need! Now with plugins and shops for Wii, WiiU, and Switch.


  • Added WiiU support (accessed through settings menu), fixed self-updater.

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