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sys-clk Editor 2.0.1

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Edit your sys-clk configuration!


  • Cucholix for making the current icon
  • Steven Mattera for making SimpleIniParser
  • Everyone in #developer-chat on AtlasNX who helped me make this app


by SuntheCourier.

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.0.1



  • Improved writes to Configuration which show make it look much nicer ?
  • Updated Libraries


  • The app has been completely written thanks to @cathery (#18)
  • The app will now tell you when something is wrong wit sys-clk when you try to launch it
  • Controller inputs now act more like official Nintendo applications
  • Overall should be more stable

.elf file is only included for debugging purposes and as such is not needed on the SD to run the application

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