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NES Online Game AutoInjector Mod 1.4.0

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  • You need the NvnTexpkg.package
  • Extract NvnTexpkg.package into the same folder like NES-Online-Game-Autoinjector
  • You have to create two TGA images in 32bit, once witch a size of 400x300 and another in the size of 355x512 (use Photoshop or whatever you want)
  • Also, you need your "lclassics.titlesdb" file


  • Sort Title = "Sort of the game"
  • Publisher = "Publisher of the game"
  • Game Code = "unique 5 letters combination between AAAAA and ZZZZZ (like "ABCDE")
  • Copyright = "Copyright holder of the game"
  • Game Title = "Title of the Game"
  • Overscan = "only 1 number between 0 and 9 per box"
  • Simultanus ="true or false"
  • Fade In = "only 1 number between 0 and 9 per box"
  • Volume = "a number between 0 and 99"

Output folder: (NES-Online-Game-Autoinjector).path/NES_ONLINE_MOD

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.4.0


  • Complete Tool UI redesign now the tool has 2 Tabs one for files and other for values
  • Fixes issues with Numeric inputs , now should be no devide by 1 or 2 happening
  • included 2 Image templates 1 for Backgroud and 2 for ScreenShot Both PSD/PNG files present, See "Image Templates" folder in Last Release
  • anhanced the user exprience !!!

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