With this program, you will be able add kits to teams more quickly and regularly.
When you set your profile settings at startup, you'll be able to use the program faster in your next entries. Just set your profile settings correctly.
What's the profile setting?
The program asks you to "edit.bin" "kit folder" and "profile name". They should be entered correctly. You'll not need to set them, when the program is reopened.
- Manage GDB kits data with preview.
- Folder manager
- Auto-linked kit map
- Auto-loading kit server
- Boot reconnect
- Advanced team search
- Simple program interface
- Language options
- Multiple profiling
Programming by Devil Cold52.
- juce,robbie,jenkey1002 (kitserver13)
- neogeo64 ve W!ld@ (EDIT decrypter)
- map.txt layout: Kitmaker by AbdDlsz
Test and error investigations and installation video: SpecificFootball.Com Team