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Dummy File Creator 1.2

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A simple program which generates files of any size with ease. Very useful for disk speed test, CD burning test, network speed test, or simply create files to fool your friends. This program also has a built-in random function, so users can choose to create either compressible or non-compressible files.

The idea was simple: a dummy file. Usually, a warez FTP site would include a dummy file of exactly 1 MB for people to test the speed of the FTP server. Dummy File Creator fits right in the spot; it can easily create a file of any size for testing network speed, or data transfer rate of a disk drive. Also, Devices like hard drives have different data transfer rates at different physical location on the disk. For example, You will get different data transfer rates from the same 100GB hard drive when it's empty and when it's 80% full (defragged). With Dummy File Creator, you can easily fill your hard drive with 80GB of data and do the speed measurement again to compare.


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However, Dummy File Creator is not only useful for speed testing; it is also useful to make fake files. Why would you need such fake files?

  • Prevent easy spread of illegal copies of your software - Imagine you just publish a new software with a size of 56MB onto a CD. You can fill the the remaining 644MB free CD space with fake files. If you cannot stop the crackers, you can still slow them down. People who try to transfer your software over the internet will have to spend longer time, while the authentic users who purchased your CD will not be affected.
  • Fool people on peer-to-peer file sharing networks - Although most peer to peer network programs have built-in CRC/Hashing check to prevent malicious fake files, a person can still share fake files with the same file name or catching program/media title to confuse P-to-P users.
  • Enhance protection of exsiting encryption - put a few fake files with randomly generated content along with your encrypted files. Investigators will have tough time finding/decrpyting your files, since they won't even know which one to start with!
  • Test drive fitness - simply fill up the drive with a large dummy file. Any bad sector will result an write error.
  • Wipe data to prevent file recovery - Have important data that you want to make sure it's deleted beyond recovery? Simply fill the drive after deletion/formation with a large dummy file. Normal file deletion or disk formation procedures only modify the file allocation table (FAT) to make the space available for writing without actually removing the data, so it makes data recovery possible by scanning through the entire disk to look for remaining data traces. By filling up those available spaces with dummy file contact, it overwrites all the those data traces with dummy file content.

Manual - How to use?

  • Execute Dummy File Creator
  • Input desired file size (integer) and unit
  • Click on "Browser" (ALT+B) to choose desired file name and location
  • Click on the check box(ALT+R) if you want a file with randomly generated content
  • Click on create (ALT+C) and the program will start generating a file
  • The program will stop when the progress bar reaches 100%
  • Click on "Exit" (ALT+X) to quit this program

by Nikko Cheng.

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