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Super Mario War PS3 1.8 r7

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Super Mario War PS3 Port by lachrymose, updated to work without the need of copying the game files to '/dev_hdd0/' or a USB stick. Resigned to 3.55 to work with HEN.

Tested on SuperSlim on HFW 4.84.2 using HEN v2.0.0.


  • r4:
    • Made a background with game assets so it fits better the game
    • Fixed the game icon (again)
  • r3:
    • Automatically installs 'smw' folder to '/dev_hdd0/game/SMW00PS33/USRDIR/' and code changed to read that folder from there.
    • Fixed XMB icon proportions.
    • Added XMB wallpaper.
    • Changed name in PARAM.SFO from 'SuperMarioWar' to 'Super Mario War'

Thanks to lachrymose for making the first port and @aldostools for the 25 directory depth psn_package_npdrm.exe (thanks to that I was able to add the 'smw' folder in USRDIR).

Que novedades incluye la versión 1.8 r7


  • Music works the same as in 1.8_r2 (that means it works, but it sounds awful).

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