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ClipMenu 0.4.4

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A clipboard manager for Mac OS X.

New ClipMenu, completely rebuilt using Swift language, is now under development.



The source code is dependent on some libraries. You have to download and install them if you want to compile, run, or test the source code.

  • PTHotKey by Quentin D. Carnicelli
  • Shortcut Recorder by contributors to ShortcutRecorder
  • Sparkle by Andy Matuschak
  • DBPrefsWindowController by Dave Batton
  • Google Toolbox for Mac by Google Inc.
  • BWToolkit by Brandon Walkin


Naotaka Morimoto (@naotakaM)


ClipMenu is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Icons are copyrighted by their respective authors.

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