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Ryjin - NSZ Compressor Mod 1.2

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An NSZ Compressor Mod

Main Feature:
A. Ryjin Automatic

  • Sets threads to maximum possible units based on your PC specs

B. Ryjin Manual

  • Shows how many threads your pc can use for conversion
  • You can select how much threads you want to use but does not allow you to exceed more than what your pc can handle.

Sample.pngSample 2.png


  • Enabled Threads for Faster Conversion
  • Enabled Automatic Batch Conversion
  • Applied fix for memory issue for updates [commit 53f7026]
  • Applied all changes patch support, ticket error fix, bug fixes [commit #58dab25]

Setup and Instruction :

  • Install latest python make sure to add python to path
  • Run the install requirements.bat
  • Place hactool compatible keys.txt inside the Ryjin folder
  • Place all nsp inside Ryjin folder
  • Run the Ryjin AUTOMATIC or the Ryjin MANUAL

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Several errors may occur if you place the Ryjin folder deep within several other folders inside the pc. Make sure not to use folders with spaces in between names. It is best adviced to simply place the Ryjin folder at the root of your designated hardrive.
  2. Slow conversion - This happens when you set low threads or your pc has low processing power.
  3. Stuck progress bar. Double click the middle of the command window or press spacebar. This happens sometimes if the command window is moved by the user.

by Gnk23 and Rylen101
Special thanks to blawar for the NSZ compressor codes.

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