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Homebrew App Store (Switch) 2.1

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A graphical frontend to the get package manager for downloading and managing homebrew on video game consoles, such as the Nintendo Switch. This is a replacement to the Wii U Homebrew App Store.

Supported Platforms

Nintendo Switch

To run this program, a Nintendo Switch with access to the Homebrew Menu is required (currently requires an sd card).

A quick summary of how to run it, provided you can get to hbmenu, is also included below. For newer firmwares, see the link to the 4.x-5.x instructions above.

Quick summary

  • download latest appstore folder to sd:/switch/appstore/
  • download latest hbmenu.nro to sd:/hbmenu.nro
  • put the SD card (recommended formatted FAT32) in the Switch, and enter hbmenu (see instructions above)
  • run "hb App Store" from within hbmenu
    • when you're done hit home to exit (and album again to go back to hbmenu)


New Features:

  • Search functionality with on screen keyboard
  • Allow sorting of app list by: most recently updated, download count, alphabetically, download size, and randomly
  • Add new "Advanced" category including some system/hekate modules
  • Redesigned "App Details" screen to show much more information about each app such as long scrollable description, download count, download size, and last updated date
  • Added feedback reporting for any app to collect data about what works and doesn't work. This feedback will be passed along to the app's author if appropriate


  • All touch and controller controls refactored and more responsive to input (highlights, buttons, etc)
  • Add four-column "wide" view activated by pressing L or ZL in the app listing
  • New offline screen when internet connection isn't detected instead of empty progress bar
  • List other apps by the same author from the details page

Bug fixes:

  • Switched to curl instead of old hacky HTTP downloading curl
  • Empty folders are now removed upon uninstallation of a package
  • Corrupt cached icons should no longer freeze loading
  • Uses romfs for storing images instead of an external folder
  • Some settings for cleaning up any empty folders leftover by the old app and wiping the icon cache

Que novedades incluye la versión 2.1



  • Switch: copy appstore.nro to sd:/switch/appstore/appstore.nro, and run via hbmenu
  • Wii U: copy appstore.rpx to sd:/wiiu/apps/appstore/appstore.rpx, and run via HBL
  • OR: extract the right *-extracttosd.zip for your platform to the root of the SD card


  • Switch:
    • new theme category + allow theme installation
    • NRO launching after installation
    • uses GPU to render (smoother)
  • Both:
    • faster downloads
    • can actually exit with minus button
    • misc category added
  • Wii U:
    • synced with switch codebase! Now using SDL2
    • can search now!
    • can control without touch screen
    • can scroll and read more details about packages (size, changelog, etc)
    • can install files anywhere on SD (Retroarch, haxchi, etc updated)
    • sort apps, smoother scrolling, and other quality of life things from syncing with Switch

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