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PES 2020 Gameplay Editor (PC) 0.86a

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Here is a quick-release. (Includes fix for ball.o and ballPlayer.o preview 1% of the data)

Supports 2019 and 2020.
Loads of fixes as well. some data reading changes for 19. Future plans to support 2014-2017 (December)

  • You can edit set-piece positions
  • You can tweak camera settings
  • You can also tweak the settings for Master league screenshot
  • Due to some complaints of possibly misnamed variables, I have set cpulevel.o and subconcept.o to the default mode. If you don't like it open the file as a 2019 file. They are the same thing
  • Finally wrote "pesSmart.o" it is ridiculous.
  • Still working on a seamless single bin loading and editing



How To use

  • Open the CPk
  • Select the Bin
  • Select the .o (double click or right click)
  • Make changes
  • Save Tab (ctrl+s or close the tab and answer the prompt)
  • Save the cpk or just save the currently selected bin

Other Options

  • Can Export the selected bin for sider (compressed/uncompressed).
  • Can import an existing bin to replace the selected bin.
  • Can export/import .o

Whats next?

  • Better Sider implementation.
  • Tooltips with variable information

Objects currently covered

  • 77/84

Objects I am skipping for now

  • TutorialNone - no idea
  • Combination - Combination play from pes 2014
  • TutorialSetting - no idea
  • FeintCommand - Input for skill moves
  • StudiumPositionData - Cinematic stuff
  • MlScreenShot - BAL/Master League screen shot generator
  • PesSmart - Gameplay tweaks for champions league matches

Special Os

  • Team_IDs, I did not include these in the count for Objects covered.
  • I intend to allow editing of the manager logic for Attack/Defend mentality.
  • Its a different type of o. Compressed xml (tinyxml) vs compressed json

Sider workaround

  • There is a problem with saving the cpk at the moment.
  • Right now I am using sider to run the mod.
  • I open a dummy dt18. import the bin file from sider root
  • Make changes, save the bin (Not the CPK) and export the unzlib bin back to the sider root.
  • To ensure you run into no errors work with on bin at a time.
  • This will have to do until later this week (Mid to end of the week).
  • Going forward I will look to make the sider integration more fluid
  • 2019 still works perfectly
  • Sorry for the inconvenience.

Alternatively, you could export the bin and use your favourite importer

PS if you see any funny numbers close without saving that file (send me a screenshot)

Special thanks to @vettahead.

by avok23.

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