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Xenia (Xbox 360 Emulator for Windows) beta

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System Requirements

  • Windows 8 or later
  • Intel Sandy Bridge or Haswell processor (supporting AVX or AVX2)
  • A Vulkan compatible GPU (NVIDIA preferred)
  • An XInput-compatible controller



Project Origin

The project began when I (@benvanik) was between jobs and wanted to hack on something fun. I’d picked up some region-locked Japanese games when I was visiting Tokyo and was frustrated I couldn’t play them on my 360, so I started researching the 360 homebrew scene. I’d previously written a PlayStation Portable emulator and enjoyed it, noticed no one was playing with a 360 emulator, and thought ‘what the hell’. Since then it’s been an on-again off-again project done in my spare time when bored (or when @gibbed has some time and gets me excited).


Because it’s fun!

Future Plans

None! There’s a roadmap, but the project has largely achieved what I set out for it to do (waste time building something cool), and now is purely a passion project in my spare time. In addition to getting some of my favorite games to play I’m really just hacking to have fun.

No te pierdas nada, síguenos en Twitter, Mastodon o Threads!
Preguntas, aportes y peticiones en el foro.

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