Update Atmosphere cfw from within your switch!
- Download the the latest release.
- Move the downloaded .nro onto you nintendo switch sd card inside the folder /switch/atmosphere-updater.
- That's it!
The app currently has 5 main options.
Full Atmosphere Update:
- Downloads the latest atmosphere release and installs everything from that release.
Update Atmosphere, not overwriting .ini files:
- Downloads the latest atmosphere release and installs everything from that release ignoring .ini files.
- This option will still install any missing .ini files, ensuring that the update will function correctly.
Update Hekate:
- Installs the latest release of hekate.
- Option to install latest Atmosphere as well, when selecting update hekate.
- Replaces atmosphere/reboot_payload.bin with the new hekate payload.
Update App:
- Downloads the latest version of this app straight from github!
- Deletes the previous old version.
Reboot (reboot to payload):
- Reboots the switch, loading the payload from /atmosphere/reboot_payload.bi.
- This is recommended after install atmosphere.
- Updating atmosphere automatically includes the needed reboot_payload.bin.
Special Thanks!
- toph for the design of the app icon, as well as the most icons used within the app!
- Black Rabbit for the design of the plus icon!
- bandithedoge for the background!
by ITotalJustice.
Que novedades incluye la versión 0.5.1
- Hot fix for latest atmosphere release (as it was marked as pre release).
- Complete code re write.
- Listing previous atmosphere versions (for downgrading).
- Check current atmosphere version installed against latest github release.
- Added full touchscreen support.
- Added a confirm pop-up box when selecting an option (to avoid pressing / touching the wrong option).
- Now displays the sys / ams version (with git commit). Thanks to @KranKRival for the pr.
- Fixed bug that would overwrite the app when selecting update app with no internet connection. Thanks to @suppai for reporting.
- Cleaned up code!