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Lightberry Script Service Hyperion Const 1.0.3

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Simple XMBC addon to control hyperion output color. Set desired color in settings first, black is default.

Predefined colors:

  • black (000000)
  • navy (001F3F)
  • blue(full) (0000FF)
  • blue (0074D9)
  • aqua (7FDBFF)
  • teal (39CCCC)
  • olive (3D9970)
  • green(full) (00FF00)
  • green (2ECC40)
  • lime (01FF70)
  • yellow (FFDC00)
  • orange (FF851B)
  • red(full) (FF0000)
  • red (FF4136)
  • maroon (85144B)
  • fuchsia (F012BE)
  • purple (B10DC9)
  • white (FFFFFF)
  • silver (DDDDDD)
  • gray (AAAAAA)

Custom color setting is also avaliable.

How to install:

  • Download latest release.
  • Copy to raspberry pi or make avaliable in local network (you can use smb e.g. \raspbmc or \openelec)
  • From XBMC menu go System -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file -> Find zip file from previous point and install it
  • Plugin should appear under Programs menu
  • For easy access go System -> Appearance -> Skin -> Settings Click on what appears to be just a spacer -> Add-on Shortcuts -> Home Page Programs Sub-menu -> Set plugin on desired position (first two are already taken by raspbmc specific add-ons if you are running raspbmc, so pick 3rd or forward place in this case)

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