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Chovy-gm 0.0.1

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At long last. GameMaker 8.1 to PSP!

What is this code? Its Decompiled and Patched GameMaker Asset Compiler v1.0.98 (this was before there was any obfuscation) it has been modified to exclusively produce PSP compatible files from GM81 Executables. Also a nice gui was added


  • chovy-gm release includes a few other executables
  • at3tool it is an offical SONY tool for converting WAV into there properitary .at3 format. if anyone has a libary that can handle this please let me know.
  • umdgenc is the offical UMD ISO builder from sony, it was the only UMD ISO builder i could find that would acturally work properly on the PSVita, (makes sense since its the offical tool) the reason most dont work is that they align sectors in whatever order. the PSP doesnt care, but PSPEmu on the PSVita does, im working on my own UMD builder to replace this.
  • fluidsynth a MIDI synthesier, used for converting MID files inside the GM Executables into WAV and then into at3 src.
  • EBOOT.BIN same executable found in the PSP minis game "karoshi" it is effectively the gamemaker interpreter.


by KuromeSan.

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