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OpenJazz NX 1.2.1

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Port of OpenJazz to the nintendo switch With SDL2 Support.

To play the game you need to put jazz jackrabbit game files in same directory as OpenJazzNX.nro you can get the shareware Version Or Buy the full game :) (shareware) is cool.


  1. Level Bonus crashing the game while quit it or finish it, i have disabled the Bonus while playing the game it self untill i fix it hmm who need that bonus doe ?! xD (game will go to next level without using the bonus) im not sure if its me or its comes from OpenJazz Engine ?!
  2. Sound on loading level is kracky
  3. When on pause sound is kracky aswell
  4. minor font/pallete bugs on choose level and ingame menu palletes

by KranKRival.




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