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Movian for Raspberry Pi 5.0.613

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** For STOS: Type "settings:dev" in the HOME screen search bar and enable the Binreplace option. 

Then use the downloaded showtime.sqfs file with curl application to upgrade your current version. 
Use curl as described on the official Movian github page (replace rpi_ip_address with your Raspberry LAN IP address):

curl --data-binary @showtime.sqfs http://rpi_ip_address:42000/api/replace


  1. Extract the zip to c:\stos
  2. Start command prompt (cmd.exe)
  3. type 
    • cd \stos
  4. type:
    • curl --data-binary @showtime.sqfs http://rpi_ip_address:42000/api/replace



Que novedades incluye la versión 5.0.613   See changelog


  • Correcting the actions of the [PLAY] [PAUSE] [STOP] [BACK] button during playback.
  • Improved HLS reading and buffering.
  • Changes to the audio buffer help reduce latency and improve lip sync.

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