This patch solves a lot of the CPU bugs.
As usual, please backup the corresponding file before replacing with this one…
TS means italian “terzini salgono” and in English it means wingbacks moves in attack but this is only for my memory. Really with this dt18 I tried to have more shoots from outside the area and limits those shits low crosses and avoid that in 1v1 the cpu attacker comes back or pass the ball instead of shooting. I know that not all modifications in dt18 really impact ingame and I know that best patches come from exe as Nesa24 teaches but sometimes from modded dt18 some surprise we can have!
by Incas36.
Que novedades incluye la versión 2.2
- based on ver. 1.1.4
- Tweaked shoot
- slowed pace
- cpJostlewinrate at -0.9
- Goalkeepers reaction 6