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Sider (PES 2019 PC) 5.4.2

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The "LiveCPK" feature makes it possible to replace game content at run-time with content from files stored on disk, instead of having to pack everything into CPK-archives. (This feature is similar to Kitserver's AFS2FS and to FileLoader for earler versions of PES).

If you know a little bit how to program, you can write your own game logic using Sider's scripting engine, which uses Lua. This requires some reading and understanding of how the game works, but it's really not that hard ;-) See scripting.txt - for detailed documentation on that.


  • Run sider.exe, it will open a small window, which you can minimize if you want, but do not close it.
  • Run the game.
  • Sider should automatically attach to the game process.
  • If you don't see the effects of Sider in the game, check the sider.log file (in the same folder where sider.exe is) - it should contain some helpful information on what went wrong.


There are several settings you can set in sider.ini:

exe.name = "\PES2019.exe"

- this sets the pattern(s) that the Sider program will use to identify which of the running processes is the game. You can have multiple "exe.name" lines in your sider.ini, which is useful, for example, if you have several exe files with slightly different names that you use for online/offline play.

free.side.select = 1

- enables free movement of controllers. Normally, it is only possible in Exhibition modes, but with this setting set to 1, you will be able to move the controllers in the competition modes too.

The 1st controller can also be moved into the middle, disabling it effectively. Use this carefully in the matches: if you move 1st controller into the middle, make sure that you have at least one other controller on the left or on the right. Otherwise, you will lose the control of the match. (default is: 0 - free movement disabled)

livecpk.enabled = 1

- Turns on the LiveCPK functionality of Sider. See below for a more detailed explanation in cpk.root option section.

debug = 0

- Setting this to values > 0 will make Sider output some additional information into the log file (sider.log). This is useful primarily for troubleshooting. Extra logging may slow the game down, so normally you would want to keep this setting set to 0. (Defaults to 0: some info, but no extra output)

close.on.exit = 0

- If this setting is set to 1, then Sider will close itself, when the game exits. This can be handy, if you use a batch file to start sider automatically right before the game is launched. (Defaults to 0: do not close)

start.minimized = 0

- If you set this to 1, then Sider will start with a minimized window. Again, like the previous option, this setting can be helpful, if you use a batch file to auto-start sider, just before the game launches. (Defaults to 0: normal window)

cpk.root = "c:\cpk-roots\balls-root"
cpk.root = "c:\cpk-roots\kits-root"
cpk.root = ".\another-root\stadiums"

- Specifies root folder (or folders), where the game files are stored that will be used for content replacing at run-time. It works like this:

For example, the game wants to load a file that is stored in some CPK, with the relative path of "common/render/thumbnail/ball/ball_001.dds". Sider will intercept that action and check if one of the root folders have this file. If so, Sider will make the game read the content from that file instead of using game's original content. If multiple roots are specified, then they are checked in order that they are listed in sider.ini. As soon as there is a filename match, the lookup stops. (So, higher root will win, if both of them have the same file). You can use either absolute paths or relative.

Relative paths will be calculated relative to the folder where sider.exe is located.

lua.enabled = 1

- This turns on/off the scripting support. Extension modules can be written in Lua 5.1 (LuaJIT), using a subset of standard libraries and also objects and events provides by sider. See "scripting.txt" file for a programmer's guide to writing lua modules for sider.

lua.module = "camera.lua"
lua.module = "kitrewrite.lua"

- Specifies the order in which the extension modules are loaded. These modules must be in "modules" folder inside the sider root directory.

lua.gc.opt = "step"

- This option allows to tweak Lua garbage collector (GC) behaviour. Two supported values are: "step" - for incremental collection, and "collect" - for full collection. Default is "step", and typically, you do not need to modify this, unless you see Lua memory errors in the log. In which case, try "collect".

overlay.enabled = 1

- This option enables an interactive overlay. The overlay can display text that is provided by Lua modules, with one module having control of the overlay at any given time. By pressing a hotkey (set by overlay.vkey.next-module option) the control of the overlay can be switched to the next module, and so on. The overlay is toggled on/off with another hotkey, set by overlay.vkey.toggle option. When the overlay is on, the key presses are passed on to the module that is currently in control of the overlay. The module can handle those key events in whatever way it needs to, or ignore them altogether. For more information, see scripting.txt

overlay.on-from-start = 1

- If set to 1, the overlay will appear as soon as possible, after the start of the game. (default is 0, meaning that overlay starts hidden, until toggled on)

overlay.location = "bottom"

- two possible locations: "top" and "bottom" of the screen

overlay.font-size = 0
overlay.font = "Lucida Console"

- these two options control the font of overlay. Size 0 means that the font-size will be calculated automatically, based on height of the screen in pixels. Any TTF font installed on the system can be used, but monospaced fonts are recommended for easier formatting.

overlay.vkey.toggle = 0x20
overlay.vkey.next-module = 0x31

- hot keys for toggling overlay on/off, and for switching control of the overlay among the modules. Values must be specified in hexadecimal format. The default ones are:
    0x20 [Space] - for toggle
    0x31 [1]     - for next-module

Full list of codes for all keys can be found here:

overlay.background-color = "102010c0"
overlay.text-color = "80ff80c0"

- colors are specified in RRGGBBAA format (similar to how it is done in HTML, except that you do not put '#' character in front)

vkey.reload-1 = 0x10
vkey.reload-2 = 0x52

- These two settings define a hot-key combination that can be used to reload Lua modules, without restarting the game. This is not a feature that you would normally use during regular gameplay, but if you are
writing a module, very often you need to make a small fix or change.

Restarting the game every time can be time consuming, so this feature allows to reload all modules that were modified since the last time they were loaded. Default is: Shift-R  (0x10 and 0x52).

game.priority.class = "above_normal"

- This option allows to change the priority of the game process. Sometimes this is useful, and reportedly can help to combat FPS drops. Supported values are: "above_normal", "below_normal", "high", "idle", "normal" and "realtime".

By default, the game sets its priority to "above_normal".

Game research: nesa24, juce, digitalfoxx
Programming: juce
Alpha testing: zlac, nesa24, Chuny, Hawke, sonofsam69
Blue Champions League ball: Hawke and digitalfoxx

Sider uses the following 3rd-party software:
1) LuaJIT by Mike Pall (doc/license-luajit.txt)
2) Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matcher from Project Nayuki (doc/license-kmp.txt)
3) FW1FontWrapper library by Erik Rufelt

Que novedades incluye la versión 5.4.2   See changelog


  • support for automatic dummification of UniformParameter.bin

(This is needed so that the one and only requirement for kitserver kits to work for a team is to have that team licensed in Team.bin)

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