PSP Emulator for Xbox 360. Based on PPSSPP for Windows.
- put a psp iso name psp.iso is the same directory as default.xex
What have been done:
- Fast ppc jit (Can be used in wii/wiiu/ps3). Give a 10x to 20x speedup !
- DirectX9 backend (Can be ported to Windows), miss some lights and framebuffer effects.
What need to be done next:
- Finish the ppc jit, 70/80% of the opcode are recompiled, need slow memory paths.
- Finish the DirectX9 Backend. Fix framebuffers, lights issues.
- Port FFMpeg for sound and video playback.
- Port the Atrac3+
- Add a gui
Know bugs:
- Jit doesn't work in real devkit.
- In some games can't go in game because of missing video/sound playback => use a save games.
- Some games are slow (Monster hunter 2) set VertexCache = true to give a big speed up ! Use this with caution! 360 have few memory !
- Random crashes => Can be fixed by using setting Jit = false and FastMemory = false, but it will slowdown as hell !
- Lighting issues on Ridger Racer.
- Framebuffer issues.
By Ced2911.