177 archivos
PS3 OFW 4.82 NAND/NOR Flash Writter
Verify flash_482.hex file on a flash drive and in the selected USB slot! flash_482.hex MD5: d05be52f8d21700052fbd1fc0174acae DO NOT USE ON CFW (Custom Firmware) (Only Supports OFW) DO NOT USE ON PS3 Models 3xxx/4xxx (aka late Slim or Superslim models), you would brick those consoles. ON SLIM 2xxx Consoles, always use MinVerChck PUP to ensure that the minimum installable firmware version is < 3.60, if ever the minimum version is >3.56, using the flash writer would partially brick your console! USE ONLY ON 4.82 OFW
It's essential not to flood the browser memory with junk before running the exploit. The reason for this is that due to ps3 javascript core memory usage limitations we are scanning several times a small range of browser memory (a few Mb) to find some essential data in RAM, if the memory is flooded due to previous browsing then the range to scan becomes much larger & the probabilities that our data is found in the smaller range decrease dramatically.. So in short, never use the browser or use a homepage you cancel before running the exploit! It is recommended to set your homepage temporarily to the exploit page you wish to use to ensure there is no memory flooding messing with the exploit initialization stage.
For best results with flash writer, here are the recommended steps. Install OFW 4.82 twice on the console you wish to flash to avoid the potential corruption error during CFW installation. Open the browser & browse to the website, go to the page of the exploit you need. Set the current page as browser homepage. Don't launch the exploit initialization. Close the browser. Open the browser. The exploit page will load automatically. Choose your path option. Press the exploit initialization button & wait until initialization succeeds. If it fails, follow the refresh/reload instructions on screen. Trigger the exploit by pressing the patch button. On success, load the flash dumper, dump the flash memory & validate it with py checker tool. Do NOT restart the console if ever the validation tool gives you errors/warnings on both ros0 & ros1 or you risk to partially brick your console. Report your problem instead. When you are satisfied with the dump validation, restart your console & install a 4.82 CFW. -
PS3 Podcast Player Enabler
ust a small simple XMB mod that adds queries to the category_music.xml for podcast packages at dev_hdd0/game/PODCASTxx/USRDIR/podcast.xml
Notes: dev_blind must be enabled to install this pkg. Its compatible with CFW and HEN/HAN.
16 different podcast channels supported for now, more can be added if required.
by Devil303.
PS3 PS2 Classics GUI
The tool allows to decrypt PS2 Classics for PS3 and encrypt any PS2 to play on PS3 (fat/slim/superslim).
Allow you to select ISO or BIN/CUE PS2 game image, and encrypt it to ISO.BIN.ENC file acceptable by PS3. In this mode app automatically ask that you want to add LIMG sector to image, but you can do this also by ADD LIMG button. Also in this mode you can encrypt VMC file to VME accepted by PS2 classics, but you don't have to do this for empty card, app do this while create pkg. Decrypt
Allow you to decrypt official PS2 Classic game (require klicensee), and decrypt files made by ps2classic GUI Decrypt VME memory card to non encrypted VMC file Decrypt Config File included in official and homemade packages Make PKG
Here you can build PKG with your ISO.BIN.ENC file Also here you will be prompted to add decrypted CONFIG file (cancel dialog if game work without config) You can change custom images and sounds here (ICON0, PIC0, PIC1, SND, etc.) for your pkg Change title displayed in XMB
TIP: Now you can convert your PS2 ISOs to PKG directly from Windows Explorer: Go to "Options" set the output mode to Package File, set a default path and enable Shell Integration.
by Aldostools & psdev-net Team.
PS3 PSVResigner
Resigns non-console specific PS3 PSV savefiles. PSV files embed PS1 and PS2 save data. This program does not inject save files and only signs!
Drag and drop a modified PSV PSOne or PS2 save file onto the program. It will resign it so that you may use with your PS3 through USB.
Or use CMD: ./ps3-psvresigner <savefile.PSV>
by dots_tb.
PS3 Tools Collection by Aldo's Tools
PS3 Tools Collection 2.3.4 by Aldo's Tools Copyright (c) 2013 by Aldo Vargas - Supports +22 file extensions: PKG, PUP, edat, rap, rif, dat, bin, self, sprx, elf, prx, sfb, psarc, sfo, sfx, thm, hip, his, md5, sha1, sfv, 66600 All these tools are Win32 and require the VB5 runtime DLL. XP users should have this already installed (if not, download & install the DLL). Pre-requisite: Install VB5 Runtime Modules from: Bruteforce Save Data 3.8.1 -------------------------- It's a GUI for flat'z Save Data tools 0.2.3. It finds the keys of several games in seconds and let you resign your saved games and trophies. A wide selection of cheats for 344 titles is also available ready to be applied to the saves. New features: Resign trophies or saves, preview images of trophies, direct FTP download/Upload saves/trophies from/to PS3, unlock saves/trophies to work on any PS3 account, support for Game Genie cheats and user created patches. Includes 279 cheat files from gingerbread's repository of Cheats. Multiple saves can be resigned in a single step. New in 3.8.1: Added direct update of the repository of cheats from It also features the Patch Creator 1.3 plugin to assist in the creation of save patches. PSP2PS3 1.7.4b "mod" -------------------- Based on the awesome scripts created by szczuru, and the tools created by Pink1, arnold (swapperneger), zecoxao, tpu, a friend that modded fake_np.exe, among others devs. This "mod" tries to streamline the process of conversion of PKG/ISO/CSO/PBP to PSP package for PS3. Latest version has improved compatibility thanks to a new process for resigning EBOOT suggested by Celebratesparta. Report your compatibility results here: Changes in v1.7.4b "mod by aldostools" - Added option to create EBOOT.PBP with no compression - Added a GUI with drag & drop support and a file browser - Enabled Remote Play in the PARAM.SFO of the template files Changes in v1.7.4 "mod by aldostools" -Added resign method suggested by Celebratesparta @ ps3hax. Thanks to Romangelo @ ps3hax for the more clear tutorial. -CSO2ISO now calls SIGN_EBOOT.bat instead of 1b. ISO2EBOOT.bat -SIGN_EBOOT.bat now extract EBOOT.BIN from NP.ISO, decrypt EBOOT.BIN, resigns EBOOT.BIN and add EBOOT.BIN, BOOT.BIN and blank OPNSSMP.BIN back to ISO -Added: WQSG_UMD_R31.exe, eboot_decrypt.exe to tools folder -Removed save_tmp/open_tmp/load_tmp from root folder of template -Extended wait time on MakeEDATs.exe Includes also: PBP Unpacker, WQSG_UMD_R31 and UMDGen PS3 Cheats Editor 3.0 --------------------- Edits the cheats database for ps3usercheat (st.dat). Allows export/import cheats to the database in text format. New features: Creation of PKG for patched EBOOTs, improved tagging for cheats compatibility with EBOOT patch, updated the cheat database with gingerbread's update containing 557 games. Update the database directly from PS3 Games Database 1.4 ---------------------- This tool lets you search easily through a database of PS3 games. You can build your own database of collected games in CSV format and use this tool to view and organize it. New features: Auto download images from PSN store, save database to CSV file, import list of games from USB drive, FTP server or clipboard. Multiple items selection is now supported. PARAM.SFO editor 2.8.5 ---------------------- It's a tool to edit PARAM.SFO files and PARAM.SFX files created by Create PS3_EXTRA. Features: +The PARAM.SFO editor supports SFO and SFX files. +Convert SFO to SFX and viceversa. +Support for SAVE DATA param.sfo, PS3 GAME param.sfo, PSP param.sfo, and other categories. +SFO and SFX are automatically associated to the editor. +Supports drag and drop and command line parameters (use /? for details on parameters). +Displays the ICON0.PNG/ICON2.PNG found in the SFO/SFX folder. +Add new fields to param.sfo +Remove existing fields from param.sfo (right-click on field label or press Del on combo box) +Account ID button (to make compatible certain saves that don't check the PARAM.PFD) +New fields in the GUI that allow to edit some ATTRIBUTE values (like add support for Background Music, disable Move Controller warnings, PSP Vita Remote Play, etc.) Thanks to for all the information provided and HELLCAT for his PS3SFOEdit.exe. Create new PARAM.SFO from command line. Example: PARAM_SFO_Editor.exe PARAM.SFO "TITLE_ID" "BLES12345" "TITLE" "MY GAME" "CATEGORY" "HG" Bruteforce Edat 1.0.4 --------------------- It's a dev klicensee bruteforcer that can be used to find the klicensee used on edat files. It uses BuC's dev klicensee validator to test the potential keys. The tool works in a similar way as Scetool/Bruteforce tool used to find regular Klicensees. PS2 Classic GUI 2.0 ------------------- It's a frontend for the recently released PS2Classic tool developed by psdev-net team. The tool allows to decrypt PS2 Classics for PS3 and encrypt any PS2 to play on PS3 (fat/slim). TIP: Now you can convert your PS2 ISOs to PKG directly from Windows Explorer: Go to "Options" set the output mode to Package File, set a default path and enable Shell Integration. Changes in 2.0: - New tab for creation of PS2 packages with custom icons and background. (drag & drop or open any image and the program will create the images in the proper size) Tip: Put custom images (ICON0, PIC0, PIC1, SND, etc.) in the folder PS2Covers for auto selection by title id during the PKG creation. Changes in 1.7: - Solves some issues with the file associations. - Verifies if the file system accepts the file size (>4GB) and if there is enough free space. - Improved the LIMG segment detection/patching before the encryption. - Added option to auto rename the PKG to title name + [title id], instead of the content id as name. Changes in 1.6.1: - Added shell integration to .BIN and .ISO file extensions - New options to set default output mode and default path - Auto creation of PS2ISO folders (output mode PS2ISO) - Auto creation of Package files (output mode Package File) - Auto-detected game title now can be selected/copied Special thanks to flatz, Ing Pereira, ps3dev-net team and other anonymous talented devs ;) PKG ContentID 2.3.2 ------------------- It's a tool for view quickly the ContentID of a PKG. It can be used to verify its Title_ID, compare against RAP/edat files, etc. PKG files are auto-associated to PKG_ContentID.exe If a copy of PkgView 1.3 ( exists in the same folder of PKG_ContentID.exe : >> The program will pass the PKG to PkgView.exe when you double click or press ENTER on a PKG. Keyboard Shortcuts from Windows Explorer: Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will extract the content of the PKG on the same folder of the PKG. Ctrl+ENTER on a PKG file, will show the ContentID of the PKG and allow open it with PkgView. Ctrl+CAPS+ENTER on a PKG file, will repack the PKG as NPDRM (CEX). Ctrl+Shift+ENTER on a PKG file, will repack the PKG for PS3 Development Consoles (DEX). Shift+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will extract the unsigned ELF file (if the keys and klicensee are available). Ctrl+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will resign the self file with lowest the key 0x01 for compatibility with all FW versions. Ctrl+Shift+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to FSELF for use on PS3 Development Consoles (DEX). Ctrl+CAPS+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to NPDRM (PSN). It will ask to create a PKG with all the other self files converted to NPDRM. Ctrl+Shift+CAPS+ENTER on a EBOOT/SELF/SPRX file, will convert the self to FSELF (DEX). It will ask to create a PKG with all the other self files converted to FSELF. **Most of the above commands are available right clicking on the file on Windows Explorer. Changelog: 2.3.2 - Added free space check for Split PKG - Fixed the display of the [OK] in the PKG verification. It was broken with a recent change. - Fixed display of idps from E3's bkpps3.bin (byte swapped) dumps. Now displays the offsets where the idps and PSID were found. 2.3 - Added "Split PKG" to .pkg context menu. It will extract PKG if it is larger than 4GB and create new PKG files of up to 4GB that fit on FAT32. 2.2.2 - RAP viewer now displays the rifkey and dev klicensee (if available in the dev_klics.txt) - Added support for resign of local npdrm using free license (requires to have the dev klicensee and rap) 2.1.5 - Fixed issue resigning NPDRM sprx with free klicensee, instead of the original klicensee. - On Windows 7, the context menu for convert RIF/RAP files is not available when you select more that 15 rif/rap files. To fix this issue download the following registry fix and double click on the Fix_Context_Menu_Limited_to_15_items_on_Windows_7.reg 2.1.3 - Added "Convert to Homebrew Package" to .self/.bin context menu. This option creates a PKG with a copy of the .self/eboot.bin renamed as RELOAD.SELF and signed as a retail self, and a npdrm EBOOT.BIN that calls the RELOAD.SELF. Once the PKG is installed, the XMB application can be launched directly from multiMAN's menu. Credits to deank PS3 ConsoleID 1.0.3 ------------------- This tool displays the PSID and the ConsoleID from a bkpps3.bin or from a LV1 or LV2 dump created using multiMAN's mmOS or Rebug's Toolbox. Changes: Fixed display of idps from E3's bkpps3.bin (byte swapped) dumps. Added display of PSID (?) found at offset 0x000303E0. Now the tool displays the offsets where the ids were found. How to use: Make a dump of your bkpps3.bin, LV1 or LV2 and drap & drop the dump file on the tool's window. It will show the PSID, idps, Target ID and PS3 model found in the bkpps3.bin, LV1 or LV2. You can drag & drop a dump of your NOR flash too. lastGAME Customizer 1.2.2 ------------------------- This tool takes advantage of the customization options that multiMAN's lastGAME applet offers, allowing to create PKG files that mount games, PS1 games and AVCHD movies directly from the XMB, without having to launch multiMAN's GUI (btw lastGAME = multiMAN without GUI). Features: - Current version supports lastGAME 4.1 and 6.0 6.0: loads the new multiMAN's payload on 3.55 CEX/DEX, 4.21 CEX/DEX, 4.30 CEX/DEX, 4.31 CEX, 4.40 CEX (requires multiMAN 04.20.00+ for PSX) 4.1: loads Hermes payload for firmwares 3.41, 3.55, 4.21, 4.30 (multiMAN is not required)- Current version supports lastGAME 4.1. - Allows to connect to PS3 via FTP to retrieve the list of games installed on HDD or on external devices - Supports drag & drop of multiple folders (x:/GAMES) to create the PKGs instantly - Supports command line interface (CLI) - Allows to mount ISOs (PS2, PSP, PSX, DVD, BDM) and load remote backups (Cobra dongle is required) - Support direct boot (certain games only). PS3 games that require bd-mirror are not supported. PS3 Keys 1.5.6 -------------- It's a tool to edit, verify and create the .ps3 keys in binary format. Other Features - Convert scetool's data\keys to .ps3 keys and list keys in HTML (click on the big blue icon). - Support for .rap and .edat. - Support up to version firmware version 4.40 PS3 Game Updates 3.0.3 ---------------------- This application downloads PS3 and PSP/PSVita game updates and patches. Features: -Support concurrent queued downloads. -The title id field accepts many formats of title id (eg: title id with/without dash, content id, URL of pkgs, etc). -Search updates by name of the game. -The title id field also accepts the path of GAMES or the IP of the PS3 (to scan multiple games). -Show game patches 3.56+ in a different color (pink). -Auto-detects game patches already downloaded (search in PS3_UPDATE, PS3_EXTRAS, and in the default download path) and show them in gray. -Asks for confirmation to download patches 3.56 or higher. Required firmware version is appended to the name of the file. -Show game cover and game description even if the game does not have updates. -Auto-fix downloaded PKGs that required firmware 3.60 New: Added firmware 4.40 to the filter list. Scetool/BruteForce 2.3.3 ------------------------ A klicensee finder using scetool (based on Asure's brute force script) with heuristic algorithms for brute force attack. Once it finds the klicensee, the tool resign the EBOOT/SPRX/SELF with 3.55/3.40 keys. It also includes my FixELF tool and uses the tool by MAGIC333X (v1.3.1) for faster klicensee detection. Changes: updated key set mmDM 02.04.02 - [DEX Game Mounter] ---------------------------------- It's a remote game mounter for PS3 DEX consoles. Requires the ProDG Target Manager to work. It works fast and seamlessly with multiMAN 04.06.02+ (DEX) thanks to the excellent job of deank with rcp_bdemu!!!. Changes: - Added display of animated icons (ICON1.PAM) - Requires to have the codecs installed. PSARC GUI 1.2 ------------- A simple GUI to extract and create PSARC archives. PS3 FTP Client 3.0.2 -------------------- It's a full FTP client that allows remote access to your PS3 files via a PC. Other features include: rip files for games stored on PS3, file description, view cover image for selected folder, multiMAN remote commands, etc. PS3 Ftp Data Sync 1.2 --------------------- It's a backup utility that copies the selected folders on the PS3 to a local folder on the PC. Only the new and modified files on the PS3 are downloaded to the PC. The new files found on the PC are copied to the PS3. Set the local folder to a DropDrox's folder and you have a cloud backup solution of your PS3 data :) New in version 1.2: Added 4 sync modes for the selected folders: PS3 -> PC -> PS3 (default): Transfer the new files and updated files from PS3 to PC. The additional files found on the PC are transfer back to the PS3. PC -> PS3 -> PC: Transfer the new files and updated files from PC to PS3. The additional files found on the PS3 are transfer to the PC. PS3 -> PC: Transfer only the new files and updated files from PS3 to PC. PC -> PS3: Transfer only the new files and updated files from PC to PS3. Game Settings Manager 1.0 ------------------------- Manage your multiMAN's game settings from the PC. Connect your USB drive to the PC, configure the settings and play with multiMAN on the PS3. Create PS3_EXTRA 1.3 -------------------- This tool scans for the PKG, MP4 and P3T files copied to each game folder, its PS3_UPDATE folder, PKGDIR or PS3_CONTENT, and store them under a PS3_EXTRA structure. When a game is mounted with multiMAN, there will be 2 BD icons on the XMB: one disc for the game itself and another with PKGs, MP4 and P3T. It should make it easier to install the game patches, DLC, fixes, and related videos, due they will be listed in a neat menu like the one used by "PStore news" (big squares of 486x405 pixels). How to use: ----------- 1) First put the pkg's at the root of your game folder (eg: BLES00000). 2) Run Create_PS3_EXTRA.exe 3) Click the browse button in the top right corner [...] 4) Select the "GAMES" folder that contains the games with the pkg's eg: x:\GAMEZ and then click the OK button 5) Now tick or untick the folders you want or don't want the app to process 6) Click the Start button 7) Close the program 8) Open the folder eg: BLES00000 folder 9) Now your folder should contain a folder called PS3_EXTRA 10) All the pkg's should have automatically been renamed and moved to the PS3_EXTRA folder 11) Launch the game using multiMAN 12) On the xmb menu you should now see 2 disc icon's. The top disc icon is the actual game, The bottom disc icon is the dlc/update pkg's. 13) Click on the bottom disc icon to see and install the dlc/updates Changes in 1.2: - Now shows a summary of the existing items in PS3_EXTRA folders and number of new items to be added. PS3 Game Integrity 1.3.1 ------------------------ This tool calculates the MD5, SHA-1 or CRC32 for a file or folder (and sub-directories) and generate a content.md5 file for future verification. If the content.md5 is present in the folder, the program reports if any file was deleted, added or changed. This tool is very useful to check if your game has corrupted files due due bad sectors, virus or cross-links (which are very common when an USB device is removed from the PS3 while it is turned on). New in 1.3.1: Fixed a bug introduced in 1.3 with the log files per folder. Note: Several MD5 for known Playstation 3 files is included (PUPs for OFW, CFW, DEX and PSP files) Memory Card Manager 1.4.0 ------------------------- The Memory Card Manager allows to manage the save game slots stored on memory card files from several PlayStation 1 emulators. Changes: Added support for Virtual Memory Card formats used by PS3 and PSP (.VM1 and .VMP). mmRAS Server 01.01.04 --------------------- It's a Remote Access Service Server that let you control your PC mouse/screen from multiMAN's graphical user interface. Requires multiMAN 04.16.03 or higher. Changes: fixed issue with left and square buttons, mapped F11 to L1+R1 mmRAS 01.02.02 -------------- It's a Remote Access Service Client that let you browse multiMAN's graphical user interface from a PC. Requires multiMAN 04.16.03 or higher. mmTM_GUI 1.5.1 -------------- It's a tool to pack, unpack and verify multiMAN's theme files (THM). BdEmu Partition Tool 01.05.05 ----------------------------- It's a tool to manage the size of the partitions of HDD formated for BDEMU, used by PS3 development consoles. It allows to create up to 255 partitions (if your HDD has the capacity) and allows to inject/extract BDEMU files. It also allows to resize BDEMU partition size (by default is created by ps3gen as 186.4GB, no matter the drive size). * Replaced the file injection with "Resize Slot size to BDEMU file size". * Resize of slot is now available only for the last slot. PS3 File Splitter 1.3 --------------------- Splits files larger than 4GB to fit in USB drives formatted with FAT32. It also join splitted files. Splits files can be any specified size. Note: GiB = 2^30, GB=10^9, MiB=2^20, MB=10^6, KiB=2^10, KB=10^3 Support for file extensions 666##, part# = part1 .. part9, part0 = part0 .. part9. PS3RIP 1.2.1 ------------ It's a tool that should help you gain some space on your external HDD, removing unnecessary files. It actually moves the files to a RIPPED folder in the root of the disk and replace the file with a 0 byte file. VERY IMPORTANT: You should verify your game (play it!) before delete any file permanently!! +The PS3RIP includes the patterns for ripping almost all languages, except English!! Initial release excluded English & Spanish. This release excludes English only, but allows to exclude other languages. IMPORTANT: Review the patterns and comment or remove the lines for the languages that you want to keep. (for ripping files stored in your PS3 use my PS3 FTP Client tool) PS3_DISC.SFB edit 1.1 --------------------- It's a quick way to edit the title id of PS3_DISC.SFB. renam 1.0 --------- This tool, if copied to the GAMES or GAMEZ folder, will rename the games sub-folders from the default "BLUS0000-[Title]" format to "Title [BLUS0000]". This name format should make it easier to find the games using Explorer. Just copy the renam.exe to the x:\GAMES (or x:\GAMEZ) folder and rut it. (Do not expect any GUI. It will rename the folders and exit) That's all for now :) av.-
This program will automatically build and install a compiler and other tools used in the creation of homebrew software for the Sony Playstation 3.
Make sure you have autoconf, automake, bison, flex, makeinfo/texinfo, ncurses (dev package), gcc, make, and wget.
You must then set $PS3DEV, and add $PS3DEV/bin, $PS3DEV/ppu/bin, and $PS3DEV/spu/bin to your $PATH.
Now you are clear to execute ./ all .
trap15 -- Aaron -- crt, improvements #HACKERCHANNEL -- The cool place. #ps3lv2 -- Hacking the PS3, one level at a time #ps3dev -- Fucking OT ooPo -- Writing the original toolchain segher -- Writing the that this is derived from Galaxy| -- 980x power!
PS3DumChecker, tal y como su propio nombre indica, es una aplicación para Windows que nos permite chequear y verificar los dumpeos de la NOR y la NAND de PS3.
NOTA: Nadie se hace responsable de cualquier falso negativo / falso positivo dado por esta aplicación, la responsabilidad de que su volcado es válido es suya y sólo suya ... esta herramienta debe ser tratada como una manera fácil de hacer una comprobación rápida para ver si es en absoluto vale la pena mirar más de cerca.
PS2DumChecker ha sido creado por Swizzy.
PS3ErrDB (PS3 Error Code Offline Database)
Visual Searchable offline database of PS3 Error Codes.
if the pc is connected to the internet a recent version shall be downloaded, the only thing to be corrected is the severity since on most entries the default was set to mild, the program itself is very small at less than a megabyte and will make up barely any room at all on your device.
by PhoenixARC.
PS3HEN tiene muchas funcionalidades similares a las presentes en un Custom Firmware para PS3. Te permite ejecutar aplicaciones homebrew como Movian, multiMAN o ManaGunz, además de tener soportes para plugins como webMAN Mod o FTP Server.
El HEN no es un CFW completo, de hecho multiMAN y otros homebrews funcionan, pero no tienen todas las mismas características que las presentes en un CFW real.
Como funciona:
Instala HAN Enabler. Copia PS3HEN.BIN, HENTAI.pkg y stackframe.bin en / dev_usb000 y ejecuta el HTML. Cuando esté hecho, ve al Package Manager e instala el archivo HENTAI.pkg y reinicia la consola. Ahora, para activar HEN, solo usa eusb000 stackframe.bin y PS3HEN.bin y elecjuta el HTMIL... y HEN estará activado.
¡El gestor de copias de seguridad ManaGunz funciona mejor con el formato de archivo (ISO no compatible)! MULTIMAN también funciona, pero la compatibilidad no es la misma. ¡¡¡¡PSXISO apoyo está aquí !!!! Parche de región BD / DVD Soporte BDISO BOOT-PLUGINS funciona en la posición "/dev_usb000/boot_plugins_nocobra.txt" (también desactiva el escaneo del contenido de arranque en los parámetros) ¡Los juegos Discless funcionan con el icono del disco! Syscall 6 añadido Syscall 7 añadida (dirección> 0x8000000000352230) y sobreescribe la llamada al sistema desactivada 0-> 15 Syscall 15 añadido Añadido Syscall opcode 8 para la detección de HEN y avanzada poke lv2 (leer la sección DESARROLLADOR) Toda la memoria del kernel Rescrivibile (ejecutar la carga del kernel así en posiciones altas o recoger las llamadas del sistema, etc) PS3MAPI apoyo para modding PKG de depuración ¡Homebrew apoyo a 3.55 o menos! ¡Homebrew Root Flags habilitado! Soporte para HAN PKG Conectividad PSN ¡Todos los procesos que se ejecutan después de HEN tienen permisos de reescritura! HAN activado por defecto -
PS3loadX is my personal evolution of PSL1GHT PS3load sample, using now the Tiny3D library. I hope this version helps to you to work easily 😉
You can load SELF files using the net. You can load applications from USB/ HDD devices You can install applications to the USB or HDD devices from one .zip file You can copy applications from USB devices to HDD Also you can delete installed applications.
You can include this lines in your app to return to the PS3LoadX application
#include <sys/process.h> ..... sysProcessExitSpawn2("/dev_hdd0/game/PSL145310/RELOAD.SELF", NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 1001, SYS_PROCESS_SPAWN_STACK_SIZE_1M); ZIP Format
app_folder | |---- EBOOT.BIN | |---- ICON0.PNG | |---- title.txt app_folder: folder to install the app
in USB devices /dev_usb000/homebrew/app_folder from HDD: /dev_hdd0/game/PSL145310/homebrew/app_folder EBOOT.BIN: SELF file
ICON0.PNG: optional app. image
title.txt: it countain one text line with the name app name. It it don't exist PS3LoadX uses app_folder as title. i.e: "My application - test 1"
Sending SELF files from the net
You need send it from the PC using psloadx.exe (see PSL1GHT tools)
For example from one .bat file under windows:
set PS3LOAD = tcp: // -> PS3 IP ps3load.exe *.self pause Installing ZIP files
HDD0 is selected by default. To change to USB you need plug one device.
When you send a ZIP file the app ask to you if you want really install it or not in the current device.
Select one Application
Use LEFT/RIGHT in digital pad
Copying files from USB
Press CIRCLE and select 'Yes' using digital pad
Deleting Applications
Press SQUARE and select 'Yes' using digital pad
Launch Applications
Press CROSS and select 'Yes' using digital pad
Exiting from PS3LoadX
Press TRIANGLE to exit.
Also you can force exit pressing 'PS' (if the network crashes use it).
by Bucanero.
ps3mca-tool - PS3 Memory Card Adaptor Software
This project aim to create a PC command line tool for the PlayStation 3 Memory Card Adaptor allowing users to manage their PS2 memory cards and more, like building a FMCB like hack directly from the PC.
* Windows prerequisites for using the adaptor
Download the drivers: ps3mca-windrv.
Unpack it, to your desktop for example. Connect your Memory Card Adaptator to your computer, and when Windows ask yourself to install driver for this device, point it to the folder where you extracted the drivers.
* Note to Linux OSes users
libusb provides the possibility to code usb drivers from userspace, so in order to access your device, the program needs to be run with root permissions.
The linux build provided in this package is i686-linux-gnu build, depending on you distribution you'll may need to rebuild the binary from the sources available on our git repository.
* How to format your memory card with the adaptor
Windows users:
- double-click the mc-format.bat file to execute it.
Linux users:
- execute the script with root permissions.
* How to install the hack with the adaptor
Windows users:
- double-click the full-install.bat file to execute it.
Linux users:
- execute the script with root permissions.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - jimmikaelkael <>
* Copyright (C) 2011 - "someone who wants to stay anonymous"
Windows Drivers for ps3mca-tool - PlayStation 3 Memory Card Adaptor Software.
Unpack it, to your desktop for example. Connect your Memory Card Adaptator to your computer, and when Windows ask yourself to install driver for this device, point it to the folder where you extracted the drivers.
* Copyright (C) 2011 - jimmikaelkael <>
* Copyright (C) 2011 - "someone who wants to stay anonymous"
A script to autobuild an open source toolchain for the PS3.
What does this do?
This program will automatically build and install a compiler and other tools used in the creation of homebrew software for the Sony PlayStation 3 videogame system.
How do I use it?
Set up your environment by installing the following software:
autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc, libelf, make, makeinfo, ncurses, patch, python, subversion, wget, zlib, libtool, python, bzip2, gmp, pkg-config, g++, libssl-dev, clang
Specifically on debian-based systems, the following command line should be enough to install everything necessary:
apt-get install autoconf automake bison flex gcc libelf-dev make \ texinfo libncurses5-dev patch python subversion wget zlib1g-dev \ libtool libtool-bin python-dev bzip2 libgmp3-dev pkg-config g++ libssl-dev clang macOS
On macOS systems, if you have Homebrew package manager, the following command line should be enough to install everything necessary:
brew install autoconf automake openssl libelf ncurses zlib gmp wget pkg-config Add the following to your login script:
export PS3DEV=/usr/local/ps3dev export PSL1GHT=$PS3DEV export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin Run the toolchain script:
./ by ps3dev.
Main functions:
A unique global cheat dongle for 3.55 cfw. Infinite health, infinite ammo, invincibility. Powerful multi-level coding, unique code. Support psn games cheat. by oct0xor.
PS3Xploit FlashWriter
PS3Xploit FlashWriter es una aplicación que permite hacer jailbreak a las consolas PS3 compatibles con CFW aplicando un parche a la memoria Flash desde el navegador de Internet de PS3.
Herramientas necesarias:
HFW 4.90 o HFW 4.91 - Permite la ejecución de PS3Xploit Flashwriter execution en PS3 Evilnat CFW 4.91 - Instala este CFW después de parchear la memoria flash de PS3 PyPS3tools - Necesario para comprobar el dumpeo de la flash en el PC. PS3Xploit FlashWriter ha sido creado por aldostools.
PS3xploit Resigner
A tool to resign PSX/PS2/PS3/PSP content for use with PS3 et'HAN'ol
PKG files are resigned converting from DEBUG to HAN style
Separate resigning for .ENC/.EDAT/CONFIG is also supported by ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign.exe/ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign
Pre-compiled binary for Windows is found on source/pre-compiled/windows/ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign.exe
Linux package need build from source cd source/src; make output is source/src/ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign
Thanks to:
#PS3XploitTeam for PS3Xploit-Resign #PSL1GHTDevelopmentTeam for @CaptainCPS-X for original script to build a pkg @aldostools for PS3 Tools Collection (Specially PKG Creation) @Hexcsl for original compile rifgen and stuff Usage:
To Resign Input Files Place on Ouput RAP to RIF act.dat input/act_dat/ output/pkgs/PKG_RIF-INSTALLER.pkg_signed.pkg idps.hex input/idps_hex/ .rap input/raps/ PKG .pkg input/pkgs/ output/pkgs/ Run:
'resign_windows.bat' for Windows OR '' for Linux
PS3Xploit Tools
1. HAN style packages allowed (Patched external modules ecdsa)
2. PSX/PSP Free license type allowed (Patched sceNpdrmHeader check)
3. Resigned ACT.DAT & RIF allowed
4. Cinavia protection removed on HDD content
5. OFW Package Manager
6. Debug pkg file support added (optional)
7. reactPSN alternative solution for OFW users
Instructions for each tool
This will dump your activation file (act.dat) and your IDPS.
- Load Exploit Page - Select Dump Path From Dropdown Box (default /dev_usb000/) - Click "Initialize ACT/IDPS Dumper" button - When init ready, click "Dump ACT.DAT & IDPS" button - The browser will close automatically by default PS3 HAN ACT/RIF Copier
This will write back a modified act.dat and *.rif file
** It is recommended to resign all the pkgs that require Han enabler **
** Packages which are converts and packages which needs rif activation **
- Use habib's resigner tool to resign rif and create new signed_act.dat
Place act.dat in resigner directory and drag matching rap file onto exe
Resigner Tool.
- Rename your new "signed_act.dat" to "act.dat" and place on USB drive
** keep original act.dat in a safe place **
- Place new rif file on USB drive as well
- Load Exploit Page
- Change RIF File Name to match your target
example PS2 Placeholder: 2P0001-PS2U10000_00-0000111122223333
- Select Root Path where act.dat/*.rif is located (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click "Initialize ACT/RIF Copier" button
- When init ready, click "Copy Files" button to transfer to HDD
PS3 HAN Installer
This will copy files from USB to Flash Memory for OFW Package Manager
- Extract all files from "" on target USB drive root
- Load Exploit Page
- Select Root Path where these files are (default /dev_usb000/)
- Click "Initialize HAN Installer" button
- When init ready, click "Launch HAN Installation" button to copy files to flash and reboot
- Once rebooted, you can now use the HAN Enabler and Debug Package Enabler
PS3 HAN Enabler
This will initialize HAN using previously copied files to allow OFW Package Manager and other patches
- Load Exploit Page
- Click "Initialize HAN Enabler" button
- When init ready, click "Enable HAN" button to activate patches
- Once browser closes (default option) you can install HAN packages from XMB
PS3 HAN Debug PKG Enabler
This will allow Debug Package types to be installed
- Load Exploit Page
- Click "Initialize HAN Debug PKG Enabler" button
- When init ready, click "Enable Debug PKG" button to activate patches.
- Once browser closes (default option) you can install Debug packages from XMB.
- Reboot console before installing updates or retail/fake retail error will occur
Team PS3Xploit 2019
PSARC Extractor
Extracts .PSARC files.
Requires .Net Framework v4.0.30319
Usage: PSARC [flag] <fileName>
-l Creates a text file that lists the File ID, Size, and Name of every file in the archive.
-e START END Extracts files with the File ID specified by the range between START and END (inclusive).
<blank> Extracts all files.
1. Extract all files from data.psarc : PSARC data.psarc
2. Create list of files from data.psarc : PSARC -l data.psarc
3. Extract file with File ID 5 : PSARC -e 5 5 data.psarc
4. Extract files with File ID 7 through 12 : PSARC -e 7 12 data.psarc
Updated PSIDPatch 1.5, now it can also change the Console ID sent to PSN, although if the ID isn't valid you'll get a nice 8002A224 error.
Included a sample consoleid.txt file too.
Updated PSIDPatch 1.2 for 3.55 consoles. SELF is signed and the package is "signed".
1.2 also lets you generate a random PSID now, no need for txt files :)
Also, removed the confirmation screens.
PSID is your playstation's unique identifier to Sony, this program will patch the loaded PSID in memory to one of your choice. This won't permanently patch your PSID, but *MIGHT* let you fool PSN. Best way to test this is for somebody with a banned PS3 to try changing it and going online.
Please note that I'm not sure if PSID is what is actually used for bans! Apparently the ID used for banning is generated using the PSID, but I think that the result of this generation *MIGHT* be stored somewhere in memory. If it is, this tool is worthless for PSN until that result is found.
Made and tested on a 3.41 PS3 for 1.0, 3.55 PS3 for 1.2... Although not tested online by me!
If your using a different version and patching doesn't work properly please contact me and we'll work out a fix :)
+ Shows you current PSID + Shows you current Console ID + Patch PSID from dev_usb/psid.txt + Patch PSID to random number + Patch Console ID from dev_usb/consoleid.txt + Patch ConsoleID (line 2) to random number + Choose USB to load from This uses the peek and poke syscalls in order to patch your PSID. Please make sure your using a payload which uses them ( for example) or a CFW that has them (kmeaw 3.55 does)
Install package Run PSIDPatch Press Cross to patch PSID with a random number, or Square to patch ConsoleID. Or.. if you want to use your own: Create a text file called psid.txt/consoleid.txt on root of your USB Put 32 hex characters inside (e.g. 1234567890ABCDEFFEDCBA0987654321) or 64 for ConsoleID Open PSIDPatch, choose your USB using Up/Down arrows and press R1 to patch. Technical Stuff:
PSID starts at 0x800000000044A18C in 3.41, 0x800000000045218C in 3.55. It is 16 bytes long.
Two identicle Console ID's exist in memory: one which is 32 bytes at 0x80000000003C2EF0 and another which is 16 bytes at 0x8000000000452174. PSN seems to use the second one, but PSIDPatch patches both.
Mathieulh/RichDevX - bragging about PSID stuff on twitter, if it was a private convo I never would of started this :)
user - Fixing CFWLoad code so no SCE confidential stuff is included, thanks man :D
djekl - Random PSID idea, can't believe I didn't think of that...
by stoker25
PSJailbreak Updater
Aplicación para actualizar el donble PSJailbreak USB.
PSL1GHT is a lightweight PlayStation 3 homebrew SDK that uses the open-source PlayStation 3 toolchains to compile user applications that will run from the XMB menu (GameOS homebrew).
AerialX - Founder, Author Parlane - Author phiren - Author Tempus - PSL1GHT Logo lousyphreak - libaudio Hermes - sysmodule, libpngdec, libjpgdec BigBoss - EyeToy support added to libcamera sample, libgem sample. ooPo - ps3libraries ElSemi - Vertex Program Compiler zerkman - SPU sample code Environment
A GCC toolchain that supports the PowerPC 64bit architecture is required to build PSL1GHT and its samples. It also requires the toolchain to provide a patched newlib environment; at the moment only one toolchain does so:
ps3toolchain ps3chain The SDK also includes a few standalone tools to help compilation. A host gcc is required to build raw2h, ps3load, and sprxlinker requires libelf. ps3load requires zlib installed. Python 2.x is required to run,, and Nvidia's Cg Toolkit is reqired for compiling vertex programs. The signing tools require libgmp.
Most of the PSL1GHT samples included in the samples/ directory require various libraries from ps3libraries to be installed.
Run make install in the psl1ght directory to build it all, and make sure to set the environment variable $PSL1GHT to the folder where you wish to install it to, for example...
cd /path/to/psl1ght.git/ export PSL1GHT=/path/to/psl1ght.git/build make make install ... for a local build of it. Ensure that PSL1GHT is set when you are building any of the examples or other apps that use PSL1GHT.
Current Status
PSL1GHT supports hardware acclerated 3d graphics. Vertex shaders are a work in progress and Fragment shaders don't exsist yet.
PS3 controllers are fully supported, and pressing the PS button brings up the in-game XMB menu, assuming the framebuffer is working.
Quitting from the XMB requires the application to register a callback ot handle the event. An example using this is the camera example.
Filesystem Access
Full filesystem support is available, with access to the internal PS3 hard drive, game disc contents, and external devices like USB drives. Only directory iteration is missing, though it can be done using the lv2 filesystem interface directly (see include/psl1ght/lv2/filesystem.h)
Berkeley sockets are available for use in PSL1GHT, though some of the implementation remains incomplete at this time (hostname lookups, for example).
STDOUT Debugging
By default, PSL1GHT applications redirect stdout and stderr to the lv2 TTY interface. Kammy's ethdebug module can be used to retrieve this live debugging information over UDP broadcast packets. See Kammy for more information and a precompiled ethdebug hook loader.
PSL1GHT provides access to running programs on the raw SPUs, and communication with it from the PPU. See sputest in the samples directory for a simple example.
SPRX Linking
Any dynamic libraries available to normal PS3 applications can be used with PSL1GHT, they just need to be made into a stub library and have the exports filled out. See any of the examples in sprx/ for information on the creation of SPRX stub libraries.
The following libraries are currently supported:
libio libpad libmouse liblv2 libsysutil libgcm_sys libsysmodule libpngdec libjpgdec libgem -
PSN Liberator
Convert your PSN format games to ISO format (useful for viewing and mounting from a manager).
Features v1.0:
Converts your purchased PSN-content, like Games, PS1- PS2-Classics, DLCs, Minis, Themes and Avatars that normally needs activation. As input you can either use PKG-Files or copied "/dev_hdd0/games/[GameID]"-folders Optional integration of game-updates, unlock-PKGs/EDATs and DLCs Converts PSN-games into disc-games (folder- or ISO- format) Resigns all PSN-content to 3.55 Automatic and manual conversion of "*.rif" to "*.rap" files Create a "Bubble"-PKG-Install-Disc with the liberated PSN Contents. Create a "PS2-Classics-Placeholder" rap-file
Updated PS3 PKG Ripper to 1.4.3 (as for problems solved in PS3 PKG Ripper) by siboXD.
PSN PKG Decryptor & Extractor
As it's name suggests, PSN PKG Decryptor & Extractor is designed (Specially for the PSP) to help you decrypt PS3 & PSP PKG file and extract the files from it.
For PS3 It can extract PKG files only, For PSP It can extract and (decrypt, dump, verify the dumped ISO, generate KEYS.BIN from PSOne EBOOT.PBP file) and prepare the extracted files to be ready for use ONLY on the PSP system.
Extract All PS3 & PSP PKG files. Extract & Decrypt & Dump all PSP PKG files ( Games & Minis, DLCs & ADDONS, NeoGeo, PC Engine, PSOne Classics, Games Updates, Themes ) Generate KEYS.BIN for PSOne Game from PSOne EBOOT.PBP file. Prepare the files for the PSP System. Detect the Corrupted PKG files. Check & Verify the Dumped ISO. View ICON & PIC and Title Name, Title ID, Category, Parental level of PKG file after extracted. Check On-line for Games Updates for PS3 & PSP Games. Move the files after decrypting, dumping it to PSP Device ( If there is a free space ) How to use: ( Single Mode )
1) Double Click to Browse or Drag & Drop:
PKG file to decrypt and extract it's content. PSP ISO file to verify it. EBOOT.PBP to Dump it to ISO format. PSOne EBOOT.PBP to Generate KEYS.BIN file from it. EDAT/PGD file to decrypt it. PTF file to decrypt it. 2) Select One of these options:
Select "Auto Detect PKG Contents" to automatically (decrypt, dump) it's contect. Select "DLC & ADDON" if the PKG file is a DLC\ADDON. Select "Game & Mini Game" if the PKG file is a Game\Minis. Select "PSOne Classic Game" if the PKG file is a PSOne Classic Game. Select "PC Engine Game" if the PKG file is a PC Engine Game. Select "Update" if the PKG file is a Game Update. Select "Theme" if the PKG file is a Theme. 3) See the log dialog for any details.
How to use: ( Batch Mode )
1) Drag & Drop Files/Folders or Press CTRL+F to Browse and add :
PKG files to decrypt and extract it's content. PSP ISO files to verify it. EBOOT.PBP files to Dump it to ISO format. PSOne EBOOT.PBP files to Generate KEYS.BIN file from it. EDAT/PGD files to decrypt it. PTF file to decrypt it. 2) Press 'Do it' to start the Operation.
3) Double Click on each file to See the log dialog for any details.
Select "AUTO DETECT PKG CONTENT" If you don't know what PSP PKG file content is. ( Recommended Option ) Put "psone.keys" in the same folder as the program, so you can export the needed keys.bin for your PSOne game. Drag & Drop files into 'PSNPKGDecryptor&Extractor.exe' icon to activate the Batch Mode. Press CTRL+F to Browse and add files. ( In Batch Mode ) Press DEL to remove the selected files. ( In Batch Mode ) Press F1 on Single\Batch form to show the Config dialog. This program requires .NET 2.0 This program intend to be use only with your own legal copy of the game. Use this program at your own risk! Changelog:
+Initial Release!
+You can Export KEYS.BIN from "PSOne.keys" file.
+Automatically Detect if the PKG contents is for PS3 System Only to disable any PSP functions.
+Automatically Generate KEYS.BIN from PSOne EBOOT.PBP file in same path as the EBOOT.PBP file.
+Automatically Generate KEYS.BIN when extracting PSOne game from PKG file without needing for PSOne.keys database.
+Automatically Sort KEYS by game region & title and save it to PSOne.keys database file when adding new KEYS.BIN to PSOne.Keys file.
+Detect if the KEYS.BIN is already exists in PSOne.keys file before adding it.
+You can Add new KEYS.BIN to PSOne.keys database file without needing PSOne.Keys Generator.
+You can Sort KEYS.BIN by game region & title and save it to PSOne.keys database file.
+Show Warning and Abort the Operation when the PKG file path is too long.
!Fixed reading Large PSOne EBOOT.PBP file.
+Automatically Decrypt DLC files, Dump EBOOT files to ISO format when Drag & Drop it.
+Batch Mode So you can Drag & Drop PKG, ISO, EBOOT, EDAT/PGD files to Decrypt, Dump, Verify ISO, Generate PSOne KEYS.BIN files. ( See the NOTE & info about How to use Batch Mode )
+Show Warning and Abort the Operation when there is no free space available before extracting PKG file.
+Check & Prepare the EDAT/PGD file for the decryption process if failed, which Fix a bug with pgdecrypt that cannot decrypt some EDAT/PGD files.
+Support decryption of PTF Themes.
+New Option to Move files to PSP Device after extracting and decrypting it. ( if there is a free space available on the PSP Device )
+New Dialog to Check for Games updates for PS3 & PSP System. ( By using TitleID XXXX-##### or XXXX##### format )
+Display ICON & PIC for PBOOT.PBP UPDATE file.
+Auto decryption of PGD/EDAT files after extracting PKG UPDATE file.
+Improved Detecting PKG file for UPDATE file and also EBOOT.PBP file for non PSOne Games.
+New Checkbox Option to "Set a Working Dir for PKG files" ( Useful if the PKG file path is too long and also if the PKG file is on CD\DVD\BD disc )
This will create a Folder named "PKGDir" then will copy the PKG file to it, and after the operation is complete the copied PKG file will be deleted.
+Batch Check for PSP\PS3 game updates ( Drag & Drop a text file "anyfilename.txt" that contains only games title on the Title-ID field or Paste the text file path manually into the Title-ID field, Note that each Title-ID separated by a NewLine in the text file )
Example: ( anyfilename.txt Contains )
+New Decryption Method for PKG files ( Support only Retail PSP\PS3 PKG files )
+New CheckBox Option to Check for Games Updates after decrypting the PKG file. ( 'Single Mode' This will inform you if the game has an Update or not, if yes check the log details for the download link )
+New CheckBox Option in PSP Device dialog that can detect Connected PSP By Device Model.
+New CheckBox Option in Log dialog that can view texts by Word wrap.
+New Command-lines to export files (-export npdpc.exe) (-export pgdecrypt.exe) (-export pkgview.exe) (-export allfiles) to the same path as the program.
+New Readme Button in About dialog that display informations and changelogs about the program.
+Support to automatically get information and download link for PKG file from .XPD file.
+Support to check for games updates from PKG, ISO, EBOOT.PBP, PBOOT.PBP files. ( Drag & Drop these files into PSNUpdate TitleID Field then Press Search )
+Display Theme Title after decrypting it in the log details.
+Improved log dialog details and automatically detect the PKG download link.
+Rewrite some functions so it can works with Linux Systems using Mono and Wine. ( Not all functions is Available for Linux Systems = Move files to PSP, Decrypt Non Retail PKG files, Browse Files Path, Texts Colors )
!Read readme_linux.txt for more informations on how to get it work under Linux System.
!The new decryption method is using a fixed\modified version of Mathieulh's sourcecode. ( Cause the original source has a problem with Some PKG files - Shows an error while attempting to decrypt and extract some PKG files )
+New CheckBox Option to Create a PSPReady folder. ( Just like the folders that in your PSP MemoryStick, Copy the contents from this folder to your PSP root and overwrite if necessary )
+New Display a Confirmation message to rename the PKG file to it's ContentID if the file name is above 55 Characters.
+Automatically Delete PKGDir when finish the operation. ( If the PKGDir doesn't contains any folders )
!Renamed PKG_DIR to PKGDir.
!Correct 'Set Working Dir' Path when switch between Single and Batch Mode.
!Another Fix for the new decryption method.
+Stable Release.
+New Button and Confirmation message to verify the PKG files if it's corrupted or not using it's SHA1 hash. ( Default is True for Confirmation message )
+Automatically Fix 3 known bad dumps created by npdpc. ( ULUS10214, ULES00283, ULJM05500 )
+Characters limit can be changed manually in the INI config file "PSNPKGDecryptor&Extractor.ini". ( Default is 55 Characters )
!Fixed a problem in Batch Mode.
+Added New Config dialog. ( Show it by Pressing F1 on Single\Batch Mode form )
+Added New ContextMenu Option "Copy Selected Link(s)" And "Show Details" in PSN Update dialog.
+Support to Display SHA1-Hash, QA-Digest and also PKG Type in log details.
+Automatically Abort the operation if the PKG file is corrupted.
+Support to Verify UMDVIDEO ISO file.
+Detect Unofficial PSOne EBOOT.PBP file.
!Fixed an issue while generating KEYS.BIN for some PSOne Game.
!Fixed a problem when switch back to SingleMode.
+Improved detection of pgd\edat files.
+Reduced the memory usage for pgd\edat files.
!Fixed "PKG file is Incomplete!" message when process\verify PKG file that >2GB in size.
!Fixed an issue while decrypting some PSP PKG Game Update.
My homepage:
If you like my works, a donation using PayPal will be appreciated :)
Special thanks & respect to:
Ifcaro for PKGView.
tpu for PGDECrypt & NPDecryptor.
l0c4lh0st for ISOSizeVerifier.
mathieulh for PSPPS3PKGDecrypterExtractor.
eighthdayregret for the tip.
qwikrazor87 for FixBadISO.
by LMAN.
The major objective of psnpatch is to spoof the console Id and disable cfw syscalls extensions in order to make your system more "safe" to go into the psn. (Note that MORE safe doesn't mean IT IS safe!).
It also deletes the boot history execution (hiding homebrew execution). The optional cobra plug-in unloads from memory after activation and controls PSN access. Additionally, you can also install RAPs and EDATs, unlock psn game demos and patch games and apps to run in 4.46 systems.
New algorithms specially made for CFW disabling and searching valid user accounts.
psnpatch is Firmware independent, meaning it should work on any future firmware updates without the need of an update as some applications require.
CORE FEATURES (compatible with ALL 4.XX firmwares):
Spoofs IDPS (console ID) and PSID; Disables cfw syscalls (emulates official firmware); Auto-Deletes game and homebrew launch history; BLOCKS PSN access at boot until cfw syscalls are disabled (if plug-in is running. read more in plugins);~ BLOCKS HOMEBREW execution when CFW syscalls are disabled. Installs RAPs and EDATs. Unlocks ps2classics launcher. It Patches new games to run in lower firmware (4.46) systems - both ISO and folder formats; PSNPatch plug-in for easy usage with COBRA and NON-COBRA cfw including PSN access control; Firmware version independent; -
PSUnban Tools
Change log :
- Fixe des erreurs lors de l'utilisation de pkgview.exe et fixelf.exe
- fixe des messages d'erreurs lors du nettoyage des fichiers temporaires
- La fonction A demande maintenant si on veut garder le fichier Eboot.BIN
- Netoyage des fichiers temporaires corigÈ avec fonction A
- maj du param.sfo en version 2.05 (plus de demande de maj pour le moment)
- La fonction de signature des fichiers rap (option 1) est maintenant fonctionnel
- Corection du bug sur les EBOOT.BIN qui gÈnÈrait toujours la meme 2eme partie de l'IDPS (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb)
- maj du param.sfo en version 2.04 (plus de demande de maj pour le moment)
- ajout des ddl manquantes au package.
- correction du bug de renommage
- les pkg crÈer sont maintenant stealth : le programme síappelle Vidzone et se trouve dans le menu TV du XMB.
-version initiale (beta)