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422 archivos

  1. MiiPort

    MiiPort es una aplicación homebrew para Nintendo Switch con la que podemos imporar y exportar Miis.
    Cómo instalar MiiPort
    Descarga la última versión de la aplicación de forma completamente gratuita desde esta misma página, descomprime el archivo .zip y copia el archivo .nro en la ruta sd:/switch/MiiPort.nro de tu Nintendo Switch (dentro de la carpeta "switch" de la tarjeta SD, vaya).
    Algunas características necesitan la configuración:
    [mii] is_db_test_mode_enabled=u8!0x1 Que se puede añadir en el archivo system_settings.ini de Atmosphere, en la ruta /atmosphere/config/system_settings.ini.

    Cómo usar MiiPort
    Coloca los archivos de los Mii en la ruta sd:/MiiPort/Miis/ con la extensión de archivo correspondiente a su formato. Actualmente la aplicación tiene soporte para los siguientes formatos:
    Imágenes JPG de los códigos Mii QR requiere la llave QR del Mii charinfo puede usar la extensión .bin NFIF puede usar la extensión .dat coredata storedata QR key
    In order to import Miis from a qr code, you must supply the Mii QR key. This is needed to decrypt the Mii data stored in Mii QR codes. You can find this on the internet by searching for "Mii QR key".
    This program looks for the key in hex in the file /MiiPort/qrkey.txt. It will accept it in a variety of formats such as: [0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA] or AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  2. MissionControl

    MissionControl es una aplicación que nos permite utilizar mandos de otras consolas en nuestra Nintendo Switch vía Bluetooth. No es necesario el uso de dongles USB o cualquier otro tipo de hardware externo.
    Características de MissionControl
    Compatible con todas las versiones de firmware de Switch. Conecta hasta 8 mandos Bluetooth no Switch simultáneamente sin necesidad de hardware adicional. Utiliza los menús nativos de HOS para emparejar mandos, reasignar botones (firmware 10.0.0+), etc. Compatibilidad con controles de vibración y movimiento (solo mandos compatibles). Bajo retardo de entrada. Memoria virtual del mando basada en archivos que permite almacenar y recuperar datos como la calibración de los sticks analógicos. Suplantación del nombre y la dirección del adaptador Bluetooth del host. El módulo mc.mitm añade comandos IPC de extensión que pueden utilizarse para interactuar con el proceso bluetooth sin interferir con el estado del sistema. Mandos soportados
    Actualmente MissionControl ofrece soporte para estos mandos:
    Nintendo Wii Remote + extensiones (Nunchuck, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro, SNES Mini, TaTaCon (Taiko drum)) Nintendo WiiU Pro Controller Sony DualShock4 Controller Sony Dualsense Controller Microsoft Xbox One S/X Controller (no confundir con los de Series S/X. Estos usan Bluetooth LE, que por ahora no están soportados. NVidia Shield Controller Ouya Controller Gamestick Controller Gembox Controller iCade Controller Ipega Controllers (9017s, 9023, 9055, 9062S, 9076, 9078, 9087 9096 funcionan seguro. Otros modelos pueden funcionar o no) Xiaomi Mi Controller Steelseries Free Steelseries Nimbus Steelseries Stratus Duo GameSir G3s GameSir G4s GameSir T1s Hori Onyx 8bitDo SN30 Pro Xbox Cloud Gaming Edition 8BitDo ZERO (La mayoría del resto de mandos de 8BitDo tienen modo Switch disponible. Puede que requiera actualizar el firmware) PowerA Moga Hero PowerA Moga Pro PowerA Moga Pro 2 Mad-Catz C.T.R.L.R Razer Raiju Tournament Razer Serval Mocute 050 Gen Game S3 AtGames Legends Pinball Controller Nota: No todos los mandos inalámbricos de Xbox One soportan Bluetooth. Antiguas variantes usa un protocolo de 2.4Ghz propietario y no pueden ser usados con Switch.
    Requisitos para usar MissionControl
    Nintendo Switch hackeable funcionando, por lo menos, con la versión 0.14.2 de Atmosphere. Otros CFW no están soportados. Mando Bluetooth compatible. Instalación de MissionControl
    Descarga la última versión desde esta misma página de forma completamente gratuita, descompríme el archivo y copia el contenido a la carpeta raíz de tu tarjeta SD, permitiendo que las carpetas se fusionen entre ellas y reescribiendo los archivos existentes. Tras esto hay que reiniciar la consola para que MissionControl pase a estar activo.
    Es recomendable después de reiniciar la consola desconectar cualquier mando conectado físicamente con la consola, borrar la base de datos de emparejamientos y volver a emparejarlos vía Bluetooth para asegurarnos de que los mandos de Switch tienen el hardware ID correcto almacenado y pueden ser reconocidos debidamente. Para borrar la base de datos dirígete a Ajustes - Controladores y sensores - Desconectar controladores.
    Instala MissionControl en tu tarjeta SD, reinicia la consola y luego empareja los mandos como harías normalmente a través de la pantalla Controllers->Change Grip/Order. Una vez emparejados, los mandos se volverán a conectar automáticamente al despertar.
    La mayoría de las funciones nativas deberían funcionar (a excepción de cosas como la actualización del firmware). Si encuentras algo que no funciona, por favor crea un problema.
    Emparejamiento de controladores
    Cada uno de los mandos compatibles tiene sus propios métodos para entrar en el modo de emparejamiento/sincronización. A continuación encontrarás las instrucciones para cada tipo de mando.
    Mandos Wii(U) Pulsa el botón rojo de sincronización de la parte trasera del mando. Los LED del mando parpadearán rápidamente.
    Mandos Dualshock4 Mantén pulsados los botones PS + share simultáneamente hasta que la barra luminosa empiece a parpadear. Si se hace correctamente, el patrón de parpadeo se asemejará a un latido, de lo contrario parpadeará periódicamente.
    Mandos Xbox One Mantén pulsado el botón guía (X) hasta que el LED empiece a parpadear. A continuación, mantén pulsado el pequeño botón de sincronización de la parte posterior, cerca del puerto de carga, hasta que el LED empiece a parpadear más rápidamente. También debes asegurarte de que el firmware de tu mando está actualizado, ya que los firmwares antiguos son conocidos por tener bluetooth defectuoso.
    Otros mandos Consulta el manual de usuario de tu mando para saber cómo ponerlo en modo de sincronización.
    MissionControl ha sido creado por ndeadly.
  3. MMLINX - Super Mario Maker 2 Level Injector

    Install the MMLINX homebrew application on your switch, to install levels uploaded to https://tinfoil.io/MarioMaker/ directly to your Super Mario Maker 2 Level slots!
    Very early release, please be patient and it will get better with time as all of my applications do :) Feel free to post feature requests and bug reports.
    For maximum compatibility and stability, we recommend that you use ReiNX or SX OS.
    by blawar.
  4. MonoNX

    An experimental Nintendo Switch emulator for Android!
    You will need a device with the following, minimal specifications:
    A device running Android 5.1 or greater. A device using an ARM64 or a 64-bit x86 processor (preferably Quad-Core). 4GB of RAM as a minimum (although, it may work with less). In order to play or use any form of Homebrew, the Application (as of now) will need you to configure Storage permissions manually; unless your copy of Android asks for permissions automatically.
    Ryujinx Team - For the base of MonoNX, without them this would not be possible! Show them some love over at their GitHub. Xamarin - For allowing us C# developers to program on Android. Dr.Hacknik - Logo design.
      by Cyuubi.

  5. Moonlight Switch

    Moonlight Switch es un port de Moonlight Game Streaming Project para Nintendo Switch.
    Descarga la última versión desde esta misma página. Descomprime el archivo descargado y coloca el archivo br_moonlight.nro en la ruta /switch/moonlight de la tarjeta SD. Ejecuta hbmenu a través de Title Redirection (o FULL RAM access) Ejecuta Moonlight. Aplicación creada por Xitrix.
  6. Moonlight-NX

    Moonlight-NX is a port of Moonlight Game Streaming Project for Nintendo Switch.
    Download latest Moonlight-NX release; Put moonlight.nro to sdcard:/switch/moonlight; Launch hbmenu over Title Redirection (for FULL RAM access); Launch moonlight.
    Move cursor with move finger on touch screen; L/R + tap on screen - Left/Right mouse click (allow to move cursor); ZL/ZR + tap on screen - Left/Right mouse click (without move cursor); L+R+Down - exit from stream (and close current app); L+R+Up - exit from stream (without closing current app); L+R+Left - Alt+Enter (for enable/disable fullscreen mode); L+R+Right - ESC key; ZL+ZR+Left - show video decoder/render stats; ZL+ZR+Right - hide video decoder/render stats; by rock88.
  7. MTP Server NX

    A MTP Server implementation for Nintendo Switch.
    Known Issues
    Startup takes long with a lot of Files on the SD Card, due to scanning Transfer speed can still be improved Untested on Horizon < 6.1 by Gillou68310.
  8. mtp-server-nx

    A port of mtp-server for Nintendo Switch.
    Known Issues
    Startup takes long with a lot of Files on the SD Card, due to scanning Transfer speed can still be improved Untested on Horizon < 6.1
    by Gillou68310.
  9. MultiFruit AIO

    AIO Pack for launch CFW with ease!
    While this is very good, it's just a step in the coming story of MultiFruit.
    This will be updated frequently when necessary and with new features like:
    A setting toolbox to set all settings and update MultiFruit (Banana-NX). A PC toolkit (surprising thing along). Android Toolkit. And more to come soon! How to use
    Download MultiFruit from this page. Extract the .zip file downloaded on your micro SD card. Make a copy of payload.bin to inject it using your RCM injector. Enjoy! Content:
    Atmosphère-NX ReiNX Argon-NX pctl-shooter pload-launcher Goldleaf HB-Appstore by Orange-NX.
  10. MyHorizons

    MyHorizons is a work in progress (WIP) save editor for Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
    Supported Versions:
    1.0.0 1.1.X 1.2.0
    There will be an official release when the program has enough features to warrant it. If you want to play with it now, you can build it using Visual Studio 2019.
    by Cuyler36.
  11. N-Xplorer

    Multi-functional file manager for the Nintendo Switch.
    How to use
    Main UI Up / Down buttons to move up and down the list A to open a file / folder Plus / Y to open and close the sub menu Text Editor Up / Down change lines A edit line Left deletes a line Right adds a line B save and exit Image Viewer B exit
    LibNX and DevkitPro for making the toolchain. Spitzfire for the original logo which I modified. Everyone in the Team AtlasNX dev chat for general help in this and other projects. by CompSciOrbust.
  12. n1dus (ex dOPUS)

    n1dus es un instalador y convertidor de archivos NSP y XCI para Nintendo Switch. Está basado en Tinfoil y 4NXCI.
    Disclaimer: Usa n1dus bajo tu propia responsabilidad. Haz copias de seguridad. No nos hacemos responsables de cualquier daño, pérdida de datos o cualquier otra cosa que n1dus pueda causar.
    Explorador de archivos con interfaz de usuario Instalar o "Instalar y borrar" archivos NSP y XCI Instalar archivos NSP o XCI extraídos (carpeta NCA) Extraer archivos NSP o XCI a una carpeta Convertir archivos XCI a NSP Puede instalar archivos NSP y XCI (split) mayores de 4GB en una tarjeta SD formateada en FAT32 sin necesidad de exFAT. Los archivos NCA mayores de 4GB ahora son tratados a través de un archivo virtual que puede leer y escribir operaciones de forma automática. Installation
    Coloca el archivo dOPUS.nro en la carpeta /switch de tu tarjeta SD. Requiere sdmc:/keys.dat para poder extraer/instalar archivos XCI. Las claves pueden ser extraídas utilizando Kezplez-NX.
    Lanza n1dus vía hbmenu. Sigue las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla. Agradecimientos
    SciresM Adubbz The-4n mbedtls Team Reswitched Team Switchbrew The switch community Aplicación creada por Hyde.
  13. N2 Elite Android App

    Aplicación para usar junto al N2 Elite USB Manager.
    Great news for all N2 users today: It is the official launch day for our new 'cheats' system!
    Now your N2 Elite tag is not only the only Amiibos manager, allowing you to store up to 200 characters, but it is also the best cheats device for Amiibos on all supported consoles. You'll get the best of N2 Elite that you already enjoy and also now a FREE cheat manager, more powerful than devices such as PowerSaves Plus ($45).
    Yes, you heard it right, this update is FREE. A thank you gift for loyal existing customers, and a welcome gift for all new customers :)
    To update your device now and more details, please check our official resources section hosted right here on Maxconsole!
    Another good news: Once this update is installed, you won't have to update through the Google Playstore or by downloading the PC app to be up to date with the latest Amiibos or cheats. When needed, the application will directly receive all the latest data directly from our server. We only will keep used data to optimize your device memory. Better support, faster!
    And finally another great new feature is our new 'Randomize Serial' function that lets you bypass the limitations that exist in some games which allow you to scan an Amiibo only once per day. Well no more! Now N2 users can! :)
    We hope you will enjoy this update. We will add more cheats on a regular basis with the upcoming updates just like we have been doing without this feature for the past years.
    And we are already working on our future updates, namely adding support for other figurines formats, such as Lego Dimensions. Coming in a future update, and still for free!
    N2 Elite team, 2018!
  14. N2 Elite USB Manager

    Great news for all N2 users today: It is the official launch day for our new 'cheats' system!
    Now your N2 Elite tag is not only the only Amiibos manager, allowing you to store up to 200 characters, but it is also the best cheats device for Amiibos on all supported consoles. You'll get the best of N2 Elite that you already enjoy and also now a FREE cheat manager, more powerful than devices such as PowerSaves Plus ($45).
    Yes, you heard it right, this update is FREE. A thank you gift for loyal existing customers, and a welcome gift for all new customers :)
    To update your device now and more details, please check our official resources section hosted right here on Maxconsole!
    Another good news: Once this update is installed, you won't have to update through the Google Playstore or by downloading the PC app to be up to date with the latest Amiibos or cheats. When needed, the application will directly receive all the latest data directly from our server. We only will keep used data to optimize your device memory. Better support, faster!
    And finally another great new feature is our new 'Randomize Serial' function that lets you bypass the limitations that exist in some games which allow you to scan an Amiibo only once per day. Well no more! Now N2 users can! :)
    We hope you will enjoy this update. We will add more cheats on a regular basis with the upcoming updates just like we have been doing without this feature for the past years.
    And we are already working on our future updates, namely adding support for other figurines formats, such as Lego Dimensions. Coming in a future update, and still for free!
    N2 Elite team, 2018!
  15. NAX0-Crypter

    Encrypt and decrypt NAX0-encrypted Switch NCA files.
    Known limitation: Does not yet support split NCAs >4GB.
  16. NDownloader

    NDownloader is similar to a freeshop on pc that allows to download games directly to the Switch by FTP. You will not need to download the games to install them, they will install automatically.
    The software is content to go looking for games directly on servers, there is no direct link on games, it is a search tool and transfer.
    In the future he wants to change the software by improving the design, adding some optimizations and a better design.
  17. Nereba

    A warmboot bootrom exploit for the Nintendo Switch.
    Where does the name come from?
    The name "nereba" comes from a conjugation of the Japanese verb neru, "to sleep", meaning roughly "if I sleep, then..." This name was suggested by a friend and is partially intended to poke fun at the Atmosphère CFW project using French names.
    How does it work?
    The core of this exploit is not a Horizon OS vulnerability, but a vulnerability in the bootrom of the Tegra X1. During normal operation, when the Switch enters sleep mode, the main processor shuts down all but a few essential components of itself. The OS stores some state in RAM, which is kept on and its contents preserved.
    On wakeup, it re-executes the bootrom, and uses the state stored in RAM and in one of the regions kept on in the main processor. The bootrom takes a special codepath called the warmboot path, based on the presence of certain data (which can also be simulated on a reboot), and allows the console to wake up from sleep.
    One of the wakeup tasks is to get the RAM ready for usage, as it was put in a special mode before sleep. There are a set of parameters used to configure the RAM that are used during boot and wakeup.
    The bootrom assumes that these parameters do not change, as they are signed during a "coldboot" (power on reset), but Nvidia forgot to verify them during warmboot. This means they are able to be changed and thus the bootrom will use them to perform arbitrary writes.
    We can use these writes to take control of the bootrom using the built in ipatch system. Exploition on 1.0 is simple, as the region where the RAM parameters are stored is accessible easily with the nspwn exploit.
    This changed on later firmware versions; using this on firmware versions higher than 1.0 requires more complex exploits to achieve the same results.
    by pixel-stuck.
  18. NES Online Game AutoInjector Mod

    You need the NvnTexpkg.package Extract NvnTexpkg.package into the same folder like NES-Online-Game-Autoinjector You have to create two TGA images in 32bit, once witch a size of 400x300 and another in the size of 355x512 (use Photoshop or whatever you want) Also, you need your "lclassics.titlesdb" file Legend:
    Sort Title = "Sort of the game" Publisher = "Publisher of the game" Game Code = "unique 5 letters combination between AAAAA and ZZZZZ (like "ABCDE") Copyright = "Copyright holder of the game" Game Title = "Title of the Game" Overscan = "only 1 number between 0 and 9 per box" Simultanus ="true or false" Fade In = "only 1 number between 0 and 9 per box" Volume = "a number between 0 and 99" Output folder: (NES-Online-Game-Autoinjector).path/NES_ONLINE_MOD
  19. NESinjector

    NESinjector will inject your roms by renaming them, but also convert your covers (.jpg) format and sizes so that they are recognized by the emulator and all that in one click.
    Indeed, it will rename your roms, copy them directly into the folder clover / user / rom / ..., then convert your covers in .jpg format to .png and resize them to specific sizes, then move them directly into folders clover / user / boxart / ... and clover / user / thumbnail / ...
    Moreover, it will create the famous data.json file (which allows the recognition of your new injected roms) and will automatically move it to the clover / user / ... folder.
    Finally, it will also create a saveroms folder to save your already injected roms and automatically copy them into a roms folder (which you will have to create) with each new injection of new roms.
    NESinjector will create a new data.json file and overwrite the one already present which will make you lose the roms already present in the emulator, to keep these roms, copy them in the folder roms before injecting your own roms.
    Uncompress the .rar in a folder containing the clover folder of Nes Classic Emulator (see photo below). Create a folder roms and copy / paste the roms you want to inject in (and also the roms already present in the emulator if you want to keep them Place your covers in .jpg format next to NESinjector.exe (see photo below) WARNING: rename your covers with the same name as your roms for example: my rom is named Dragon Ball.nes, rename your .jpg in DragonBall.jpg by removing the spaces or -, *. Click on NESinjector.exe and wait a few seconds, if everything went well a saveroms folder will be created with a backup of your roms (do not delete it). Last very important thing (the bug in question) open the file data.json just created present in clover / user / ... with a text editor (notepad or other) and delete the last comma (in red in the quote below) at the very bottom of the code.
  20. Neumann

    Aplicación para realizar copias y restaurar las partidas guardadas de Nintendo Switch.
    Agradecimientos especiales:
    EdiZon switch-portlibs-examples Neumann es una aplicación creada por turtle-insect.
  21. Neutos

    A modified Atmosphere for Tinfoil usage.
    NOTE 0: If you don't have an emummc, then note 1 does not apply for you. If you wonder if you should proceed without one or not, then you should consider leaving any and all switch modding over to your legal guardians.
    NOTE 2: the payload.bin provided MUST be used!
    NOTE 3: Neither Tinfoil, or configurations for Tinfoil are included in this release.
    NOTE 4: Your games / save games are not stored anywhere in any of the folders listed in step 0, stop asking if your games/savegames will be deleted.

    How to use:
    Make sure your sd card is fat32 formatted before starting!!
    Step 0: Delete the folders called "Atmosphere", "Sept" on the root of the sd card before proceeding. Step 1: Extract the contents of the archive called "atmosphere-0.11.1-neutos-7a0afe48+hbl-2.3.1+hbmenu-3.3.0.zip" Step 2A: Put the folders/files on the root of your sd card. (boot.dat, hbmenu.nro and any folder included) Step 2B: Overwrite everything if it prompts you to overwrite anything. Step 2C (optional): For users with SXOS hidden partition EmuNAND switching to NEUTOS, download emummc_configs_for_sxos_hidden_partition_emunand_users.zip from the NEUTOS latest release and extract the emummc folder to root of the SD. Step 3: Inject the RCM payload included called "payload.bin", the same way you usually inject anything else. (An "SX" branded dongle can be used for this step.) Step 4: You can now use Tinfoil 8+. People who have "TX" branded dongles, and also have "Hidden partition emuNAND" setups should consider downloading the pre-configured emummc configurations to be able to keep using them, while also changing to this release instead of whatever inferior package "SXOS" consists of.
    They can do so by downloading the "emummc_configs_for_sxos_hidden_partition_emunand_users.zip", extracting it and placing the "emummc" folder on their sd card. That's how quick and simple it is to change.
    This is a modified 0.11.1 Atmosphere release nicknamed "NEUTOS", it has support for firmware versions up to and including 10.0, making it have support for Tinfoil 8+ out of the box. It contains the necessary changes for Tinfoil to be able to run.
    by borntohonk.
  22. NeXT

    El pack todo en uno que hará que tu Nintendo Switch dé el siguiente paso. Basado en ArgonNX, Hekate y Atmosphere con "ingredientes" extra. Completamente en español.
    ¿Qué incluye NeXT?
        Menu de inicio con ajustes configurables     Hekate (CTCaer)     Atmosphere (Sin modificaciones)     Selectos Homebrews para usuarios finales     Los mejores Sys-Modules (Tesla Ovl, Mission Control, Sys-con,Sys-FTP, others)     Next Updater para mantener al dia el AIO sin necesidad de extraer la SD. REQUISITOS PARA USAR
        Consola Nintendo Switch ERISTA NO PARCHEADA (Funciona en consolas Mariko poniendo el boot.dat de SX GEAR en la raìz de la SD.)     PC con Windows 7/8/10     Cable USB-C     Jig o clip para hacer puente con los pines 0-1 del Rail del Joycon Derecho     CALMA Y PATICIENCIA COMPATIBILIDAD
    Firmwares desde 10.0.x a 16.0.3

    Borrar cualquier conexion a internet guardada en la consola (Puede encontrarlas en Configuración de la consola -> Internet -> Configuración de internet -> Redes registradas) Luego activar modo avión. Apagar la consola Descargar la release mas reciente desde esta misma página Extraer contenido Copiar el contenido de la carpeta SD a la raiz de la memoria SD. Insertar el jig/clip en el Rail del Joycon Derecho Poner su Switch en modo RCM presionando los botones VOL+ y POWER a la vez. Con TegraRCMGUI en PC, Rekado en Móviles Android o cualquier Dongle, Inyecte el payload hekate_ctcaer_x.x.x.bin localizado dentro de la ruta PC/PAYLOADS/ Toque en Hekate IMPORTANTE---> !!!!REALIZAR BACLUP Y CREAR EMUNAND!!! <--- IMPORTANTE Toque en Launch y luego en "Volver a NeXT" Toque en Incognito Con las teclas de Volumen vaya a "Incognito (EMUMMC)" y presione POWER. Verifique que su serial sea XAW000000000001 y luego presione POWER. Con las teclas de Volumen vaya a "Reboot to NeXT" Ahora puede tocar en Atmosphere para Inicial Custom Firmware o en Stock para iniciar con Firmware original Puede desactivar el modo avión y conectar su consola a internet nuevamente en cualquiera de los dos sistemas si así lo desea. Para SX OS, Android, Lakka por favor copie los respectivos payloads en las siguientes ubicaciones : SX OS -> sd:/BOOT.DAT ANDROID -> sd:/switchroot/android/coreboot.rom LAKKA -> sd:/lakka/boot/coreboot.rom El Bootmenú detectará los payloads existentes y activará el botón lanzador FUENTES DE PROYECTOS INCLUIDOS EN NeXT
    BootMenu by ArgonNX Hekate Atmosphère Switch Homebrew Loader Switch Homebrew Menu Sys-FTPD EdiZon Goldleaf Awoo Installer ldn_mitm emuiibo ChoidujourNX Incógnito RCM - Incognito_RCM ha sido modificado con el fin de agregar la opción de volver al Bootmenu Lockpick RCM - Lockpick_RCM ha sido modificado con el fin de agregar la opción de volver al Bootmenu NXMTP NX-Shell Sys-DVR TegraExplorer - TegraExplorer ha sido modificado con el fin de agregar la opción de volver al Bootmenu Linkhalo Nightfall NeXT está creado por VampiTech.
  23. NHSE (Animal Crossing: New Horizons Save Editor)

    Save Editor for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Edits savedata dumped from the Nintendo Switch.
    Bring your own save file data; this program does not dump it from your console.

    To load your save file, click the button and select the folder where your save data is located. Alternatively, drag & drop the save data folder into the window. To load from the most recently loaded path, shift click the button instead.
    Toggle between all saved Player profiles. Ribbon at the top of the window provides export options for dumping & importing decrypted data (hex editing).
    Dump and Load villager files. Villagers foreign to the save file can be automatically updated to match the save file's data.
    Dump and Load inventory files; share them with other users! Items store the item ID and various other values; sprites are generated with text displaying the stored values/flags. Hotkeys:
    Control: View item Shift: Set item Alt: Delete item See Also
    MyHorizons by Cuyler36 Some portions of code are liberally adapted from Cuyler36's project. We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. Please be responsible!
    by kwsch.
  24. Nightfall

    NightFall es una simple aplicación para actualizar el sistema de Nintendo Switch creado con Borealis.
    Crea un servidor personalizado:
    Si quieres crear tu propio servidor tendrás que que hacer un setup especial, utilizando la aplicación NightFall Server

    Atmosphère for the sysupdate api. ReiNXtoolkit for his network implementation. natinusala for borealis. nlohmann for json.hpp by D3fau4.
  25. Nintendo Clients

    Python package to communicate with Nintendo servers
    To import this into your code, run python setup.py install or place the nintendo folder somewhere Python can find it.
    You might need to adjust your scripts if you pull new commits from this package (it may receive backwards compatibility breaking changes at any time).
    Python 3.6 or higher Python requests (http://docs.python-requests.org) BeautifulSoup4 and lxml PyCryptodome PyOpenSSL netifaces Example scripts
    Wii U
    example_donkeykong.py: Downloads DKC Tropical Freeze rankings and the replay file of the world record. example_mariokart.py: Downloads Mario Kart 8 rankings and the replay file of whoever is in 500th place. example_miis.py: Requests all kinds of information about the primary mii associated with a NNID. example_friend_list.py: Requests your friend list, incoming and outgoing friend requests, and blacklist. example_friend_notifications.py: Listens for friend notifications (a friend starting a game for example). example_createroom.py: Shows how to create a friend room in Mario Kart 8. You'll get an error if you try to join it on a real Wii U though, because this script does not implement the P2P protocol. Switch
    example_lan_splatoon2.py: Searches for Splatoon 2 LAN sessions and prints information about them. example_lan_smm2.py: Searches for Super Mario Maker 2 LAN sessions and prints information about them. example_smm2.py: Downloads a Super Mario Maker 2 level and its thumbnails, and prints information about both the level and its creator. This script requests new tokens every time it's run, even though the dauth and aauth tokens are valid for 24 hours and the id token is valid for 3 hours. If you want to avoid unnecessary requests, you can adjust the script to reuse old tokens as long as possible. Custom
    example_server.py: Shows how to create a simple game server with both an authentication server and a secure server. example_server_login.py: Logs in on a game server and disconnects immediately. This can be used to test custom servers (such as example_server.py). by Kinnay.

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