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34 archivos

  1. 3uTools

    3uTools es una herramienta de gestión de datos y archivos de dispositivos iOS, con versiones para Windows y macOS.

    La aplicación facilita la gestión de aplicaciones, fotos, música, tonos de llamada, vídeos, otros archivos multimedia o borrar datos del sistema innecesarios y que nos ocupàn mucho espacio en el iPhone o iPad.
    También nos permite ver los diferentes estados del dispositivo iOS, incluyendo activación, jailbreak,batería y estados de bloqueo de iCloud, así como información detallada del sistema operativo y el dispositivo en si.
    Flasheo y Jailbreak
    3uTools puede sincronizar automáticamente los firmwares disponibles para dispositivos iOS. Soporta flasheo de iOS en modo normal, modo DFU y modo recuperación.
    El jailbreak con un solo clic hace que el proceso de jailbreak sea tan simple y fiable. Además, incluye funciones avanzadas como la copia de seguridad SHSH, baseband upgrade/downgrade etc.
  2. AltStore

    A home for apps that push the boundaries of iOS. No jailbreak required.
    AltStore is an iOS application that allows you to sideload other apps (.ipa files) onto your iOS device with just your Apple ID. AltStore resigns apps with your personal development certificate and sends them to a desktop app, AltServer, which installs the resigned apps back to your device using iTunes WiFi sync. To prevent apps from expiring, AltStore will also periodically refresh your apps in the background when on the same WiFi as AltServer.
    Resigns and installs any app with your Apple ID Installs apps over WiFi using AltServer Refreshes apps periodically in the background to prevent them from expiring (when on same WiFi as AltServer) Handles app updates directly through AltStore
    Xcode 11 iOS 12.2+ (AltStore) macOS 10.14.4+ (AltServer) Swift 5+ Why iOS 12.2+ and macOS 10.14.4+? Doing so allows me to distribute all AltStore apps without embedding Swift libraries inside them. This helps me afford bandwidth costs by reducing download sizes by roughly 30%, but also noticeably improves how long it takes to install/refresh apps with AltStore. If you're compiling AltStore and/or AltServer yourself, however, you should be able to lower their deployment targets to iOS 12.0 and macOS 10.14.0, respectively, without any issues.
    Project Overview
    AltStore is just a regular, sandboxed iOS application. The AltStore app target contains the vast majority of AltStore's functionality, including all the logic for downloading and updating apps through AltStore. AltStore makes heavy use of standard iOS frameworks and technologies most iOS developers are familiar with, such as:
    Core Data Storyboards/Nibs Auto Layout Background App Refresh Network.framework (new in iOS 12) AltServer
    AltServer is also just a regular, sandboxed macOS application. AltServer is significantly less complex than AltStore though, and for that reason consists of only a handful of files.
    AltKit is a shared framework that includes common code between AltStore and AltServer.
    AltSign is my internal framework used by both AltStore and AltServer to communicate with Apple's servers and resign apps. For more info, check the AltSign repo.
    Roxas is my internal framework used across all my iOS projects, developed to simplify a variety of common tasks used in iOS development. For more info, check the Roxas repo.
    by rileytestut.
  3. Checkra1in

    Checkra1in es una aplicación que nos permite hacer jailbreak para iPhone 5s hasta iPhone X, con iOS 12.3 en adelante.
    Se trata de un proyecto comunitario para proporcionar un jailbreak semi-tethered de alta calidad para todos, basado en el exploit bootrom 'checkm8'.
    P: ¿Cómo funciona?
    R: Magia hax.
    P: ¿Por qué se retrasó el lanzamiento de la beta?
    R: No queríamos que la calidad del lanzamiento terminara como iOS 13.2, os merecéis algo mejor.
    P: ¿para cuándo?
    R: Ya lo hemos superado.
    P: ¿Cómo lo uso?
    R: Abre la aplicación checkra1n, y sigue las instrucciones para poner tu dispositivo en modo DFU. Hax sucede auto-mágicamente desde ese punto y el dispositivo arrancará en modo jailbreak. Si reinicias el dispositivo sin checkra1n, volverá al iOS original, y no podrás utilizar ningún software de terceros instalado hasta que entres en DFU y vuelvas a checkra1n el dispositivo.
    P: ugh, ¿no me gusta la GUI?
    R: ok, puedes usar «./checkra1n.app/Contents/MacOS/checkra1n» desde la consola, o descargar una compilación CLI de Linux.
    P: ¿Es seguro hacer jailbreak? ¿Puede dañar mi dispositivo / borrar mis datos?
    R: Creemos que hacer jailbreak es seguro y tomamos precauciones para evitar la pérdida de datos. Sin embargo, como con cualquier software, los errores pueden ocurrir y * no se proporciona ninguna garantía *. Le recomendamos que haga una copia de seguridad de su dispositivo antes de ejecutar checkra1n.
    P: Tengo un problema que reportar después de hacer jailbreaking.
    R: Muchos problemas y bootloops pueden ser causados por errores o tweaks incompatibles. Recuerda que muchos tweaks nunca vieron iOS 13 en la era pre-checkra1n. Si sospechas de un tweak instalado recientemente, puedes intentar entrar en el modo sin substrato manteniendo pulsado vol-up durante el arranque (comenzando con el logo de Apple hasta que el arranque se complete). Si el problema desaparece, es muy probable que el culpable sea un tweak defectuoso y deberías ponerte en contacto con los desarrolladores del tweak.
    P: Tengo un problema que comunicar y no creo que esté relacionado con un tweak defectuoso.
    R: Compruébalo aquí y sigue la plantilla de informe de errores.
    P: He perdido mi contraseña. ¿Puede checkra1n descifrar mis datos o acceder a un dispositivo bloqueado?
    R: No.
    P: ¿Puedo acceder por ssh a mi dispositivo?
    R: Sí. Hay un servidor SSH desplegado en el puerto 44 sólo en localhost. Puedes exponerlo en tu máquina local usando iproxy vía USB.
    P: ¡Me encanta el proyecto! ¿Puedo donar?
    R: Gracias, ¡a nosotros también nos encanta! Actualmente el proyecto no acepta donaciones. Si alguien pide donaciones, es una estafa.
    P: ¿Dónde están las fuentes? Quiero escribir un tema en modo oscuro y publicar el jailbreak como propio.
    R: checkra1n sólo se publica en forma binaria en este momento. Planeamos abrir el código fuente más adelante en 2020.
    P: ¿Cuándo estará disponible la compatibilidad con Windows?
    R: Tenemos que escribir un controlador de kernel para Windows (que es una pieza muy compleja de código) que llevará tiempo. No obstante, puede estar seguro de que estamos trabajando duro en ello.
    P: ¡La aplicación checkra1n no se abre dentro del DMG!
    R: Sigue las instrucciones del archivo DMG y arrastra la aplicación a la carpeta Aplicaciones.
    Checkra1in ha sido creado por argp axi0mX Dany Lisiansky Jaywalker Adam Demasi h0m3us3r littlelailo Longhorn nitoTV Jamie Bishop pimskeks qwertyoruiopz Sam Bingner Rick Mark s1guza.
  4. Cydia Impactor

    Cydia Impactor is a GUI tool for working with mobile devices. It has features already, but is still very much a work-in-progress. It is developed by saurik.
    You can use this tool to install IPA files on iOS and APK files on Android. It also can help you exploit the series of Android "Master Key" vulnerabilities.
    Note: Do not "Run as Administrator" Impactor; doing this makes drag/drop of files not work on Windows 10.
    Also: Tons of people are downloading Cydia Impactor in an attempt to install some kind of Pokemon Go hack in the form of an IPA file... to their Android device... an IPA file is for devices running iOS only, not Android.
    If you are on Windows, you may have to install a device driver to talk to your Android device over USB. If your device is not detected, use Impactor's USB Driver Scan feature to attempt to automatically construct and install a driver for your device. You do not need the Android SDK installed to use Impactor.
    For iOS, if you are using wither Windows or macOS, you definitely need to have iTunes installed for this tool to work (for different reasons). You do not need Xcode installed to use Impactor (even for features such as signing IPA files).
    To download new versions, use "Check for Updates..." under the Impactor menu from inside of the application. Impactor will also occasionally prompt about new versions that come out. (This feature is currently not available in the Linux versions.)
  5. DeepNude

    APK of the DeepNude app for Android smartphones.
  6. doubleH3lix

    Jailbreak for 64-bit 10.x devices. Only 64-bit devices with headphone jack supported. (A7-A9).
    Get the IPA. Take a shower. Prepare offerings. Provide your Apple ID, Mother's Maiden Name, and SSN. Do some stuff with Cydia Impactor. Press the only button in the app. Wait until it's done. Profit. Jailbreak by tihmstar and siguza.
  7. Electra

    Jailbreak for iOS 11.0 – 11.4.1, compatible with all iPhones, iPods touch, iPads and Apple TVs.
    Important Information
    On iOS 11.3-11.3.1, the device will reboot twice and Electra will need to be re-run after the first reboot An APFS snapshot is created of / so you may revert it at a later date if needed It is recommended to futurerestore if you have blobs before running Electra to ensure the best possible installation Cydia is included OpenSSH is running on port 22 Electra repo added by default Substitute, Tweak Loader and Substrate Compatibility Layer available from Electra repo Many packages need to be updated for both Electra and iOS 11 (make sure they're updated before installing as they may not work yet) RocketBootstrap 1.0.6 or higher is required for use on iOS 11 Many apps, launch daemons and installation binaries are broken as they require entitlements to be added Credits
    Credits Packaged by CoolStar Exploits by Ian Beer (async_wake), Brandon Azad (voucher_swap) and tihmstar (v1ntex) tvOS port by nitoTV and Jaywalker Trust cache injection and rootfs patch by xerub Zone map address fixup by Siguza Rootfs remount exploit discovered by CoolStar jailbreakd, launchd patch, setuid patch, dylib injection and Safe Mode by CoolStar amfid patch and entitlement injection by theninjaprawn unlocknvram, initial dropbear work, substitute compilation fix by stek29 sandbox mitigations by stek29 and coolstar MIG protocol implementation by PsychoTea Designed by aesign
  8. Eruda Browser Console

    Esta sencilla aplicación similar a un navegador carga Eruda automáticamente en cada página, lo que resulta útil para probar y depurar la vista web del sistema Android.
    Nota: La consola de desarrollador se activa pulsando el icono de la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla.
    Eruda Browser ha sido creado por LiriLiri.
  9. Google Camera APK

    Never miss a moment with Google Camera, and take fantastic pictures using features such as Portrait and Night Sight.
    HDR+ - Take pictures using HDR+ to capture fantastic photos, especially in low-light or backlit scenes. Night Sight - You’ll never want to use your flash again. Night Sight brings out all the best details and colors that get lost in the dark. Super Res Zoom - Super Res Zoom keeps your pictures sharp when you zoom in—without the blur. Top Shot - Pick the perfect moment with Top Shot. Automatically recommends the best pics, where no one is blinking and everything looks just right. Portrait - Add elegant background blur (bokeh) to pictures. Google Photos can also make the subject of your photo pop by leaving them in color, while changing the background to black and white. Google Lens Suggestions - Just point your camera at contact info, URLs, and barcodes, and it’ll automatically suggest things to do like calling the number, or sending an email. Playground - Have fun mixing the real world with the virtual through AR stickers and effects!
  10. H3lix

    Jailbreak for 32-bit 10.x devices. All 32-bit devices supported.
    Get the IPA. Take a shower. Prepare offerings. Provide your Apple ID, Mother's Maiden Name, and SSN. Do some stuff with Cydia Impactor. Presse the only button in the app. Wait until it's done. Profit. Jailbreak by tihmstar and siguza 
    Graphics by @FoxletFox 
    Logo concept by Jacky C
  11. iBoot32Patcher

    iBoot32Patcher is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    iBoot32Patcher is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    clang iBoot32Patcher.c finders.c functions.c patchers.c -Wno-multichar -I. -o iBoot32Patcher Sample Usage
    iBoot32Patcher iBoot.n49.RELEASE.dfu.decrypted iBoot.n49.RELEASE.dfu.patched -b "cs_enforcement_disable=1" -c "ticket" 0x80000000 by iH8sn0w.
  12. iDeviceReRestore

    iOS 9.x Re-Restore bug discovered by alitek12
    Requires saved erase or update iOS 9.x blobs (local or Cydia)
    32 bit/iOS 9.x only
    Prerequisite OS doesn't matter, use DFU if you aren't already on 9.x
    by libimobiledevice
    Fork additions by alitek12, Trevor, and Jon
    Testing by ee_csw, Mirko, and Xernium
  13. iDeviceRestore

    The idevicerestore tool allows to restore firmware files to iOS devices.
    It is a full reimplementation of all granular steps which are performed during restore of a firmware to a device.
    In general, upgrades and downgrades are possible, however subject to availability of SHSH blobs from Apple for signing the firmare files.
    To restore a device to some firmware, simply run the following:
    $ sudo idevicerestore -l This will download and restore a device to the latest firmware available.
    Development Packages of:
      libimobiledevice   libirecovery   libusbmuxd   libplist   libzip   openssl Software:
      usbmuxd   make   autoheader   automake   autoconf   libtool   pkg-config   gcc Installation
    To compile run:
      ./configure   make   sudo make install  
  14. iFaith

    iFaith is a Windows program that can get SHSHs on your device, rather than from Apple's servers. This lets you keep the device on whatever firmware it's currently on (e.g.- iOS 4.2.6).
    iFaith can also build an IPSW that's already configured with your SHSHs, and will also upload your saved SHSH to a remote server for backup purposes.
    by iH8sn0w.
  15. iOS App Signer

    iOS App Signer es una aplicación para OS X que puede (re)firmar aplicaciones y empaquetarlas en archivos ipa listos para ser instalados en un dispositivo iOS.
    Los tipos de entrada soportados son: ipa, deb, app, xcarchive.

    Esta aplicación requiere Xcode para ser instalado, se ha ejecutado correctamente en el nuevo macOS 12 Monterey.
    Necesitas un perfil de aprovisionamiento y un certificado de firma, puedes obtenerlos desde Xcode creando un nuevo proyecto.
    A continuación, puede abrir iOS App Signer y seleccionar el archivo de entrada, el certificado de firma, el archivo de aprovisionamiento y, opcionalmente, especificar un nuevo ID de aplicación y / o nombre de visualización de la aplicación.
    iOS App Signer es una aplicación creada por DanTheMan827.
  16. ipwndfu

    Open-source jailbreaking tool for older iOS devices.
    Jailbreak and downgrade iPhone 3GS (new bootrom) with alloc8 untethered bootrom exploit. :-) Pwned DFU Mode with steaks4uce exploit for S5L8720 devices. Pwned DFU Mode with limera1n exploit for S5L8920/S5L8922 devices. Pwned DFU Mode with SHAtter exploit for S5L8930 devices. Dump SecureROM on S5L8920/S5L8922/S5L8930 devices. Dump NOR on S5L8920 devices. Flash NOR on S5L8920 devices. Encrypt or decrypt hex data on a connected device in pwned DFU Mode using its GID or UID key. Dependencies
    This tool should be compatible with Mac and Linux. It won't work in a virtual machine.
    libusb, If you are using Linux: install libusb using your package manager. iPhone 3GS iOS 4.3.5 iBSS iBSS
    Download iPhone 3GS iOS 4.3.5 IPSW from Apple:
    In Terminal, extract iBSS using the following command, then move the file to ipwndfu folder:
    unzip -p iPhone2,1_4.3.5_8L1_Restore.ipsw Firmware/dfu/iBSS.n88ap.RELEASE.dfu > n88ap-iBSS-4.3.5.img3 Coming soon!
    Reorganize and refactor code. Easier setup: download iBSS automatically using partial zip. Dump SecureROM on S5L8720 devices. Install custom boot logos on devices jailbroken with 24Kpwn and alloc8. Enable verbose boot on devices jailbroken with 24Kpwn and alloc8. Disclaimer
    This is BETA software.
    Backup your data.
    This tool is currently in beta and could potentially brick your device. It will attempt to save a copy of data in NOR to nor-backups folder before flashing new data to NOR, and it will attempt to not overwrite critical data in NOR which your device requires to function. If something goes wrong, hopefully you will be able to restore to latest IPSW in iTunes and bring your device back to life, or use nor-backups to restore NOR to the original state, but I cannot provide any guarantees.
    There is NO warranty provided.
    You will not need to use make or compile anything to use ipwndfu. However, if you wish to make changes to assembly code in src/*, you will need to use an ARM toolchain and assemble the source files by running make.
    If you are using macOS with Homebrew, you can use binutils and gcc-arm-embedded. You can install them with these commands:
    brew install binutils brew cask install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask/b88346667547cc85f8f2cacb3dfe7b754c8afc8a/Casks/gcc-arm-embedded.rb Credit
    geohot for limera1n exploit posixninja and pod2g for SHAtter exploit iPhone Dev Team for 24Kpwn exploit pod2g for steaks4uce exploit walac for pyusb by axi0mX.
  17. LiberiOS

    Now liberating pretty much every *OS 11.x.y device, for x < 2.
    And yes, Code injection works, but CYDIA WILL NOT BE SUPPORTED. EVER. So please don't ask.
  18. libimobiledevice 2019

    ibimobiledevice is a cross-platform software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV devices. Unlike other projects, it does not depend on using any existing proprietary libraries and does not require jailbreaking.
    It allows other software to easily access the device's filesystem, retrieve information about the device and it's internals, backup/restore the device, manage SpringBoard icons, manage installed applications, retrieve addressbook/calendars/notes and bookmarks and (using libgpod) synchronize music and video to the device. 
    by dev_jam.
  19. MeloNX

    MeloNX es un emulador de Nintendo Switch para iOS basado en Ryujinx, escrito principalmente en C#. Diseñado para ofrecer un rendimiento preciso y una interfaz fácil de usar para iOS, MeloNX hace que los juegos de Switch sean accesibles en dispositivos Apple.
    MeloNX funciona en iPhone XS/XR y posteriores y en iPad de 8.ª generación y posteriores.
    Preguntas frecuentes
    MeloNX está diseñado para iOS 17+, iOS 15 - 16 es compatible, pero tendrá problemas. MeloNX necesita Xcode o una cuenta de desarrollador de Apple paga. Es posible que pronto sea compatible con SideStore (problema con SideStore) MeloNX necesita JIT Dispositivo recomendado: iPhone 15 Pro o posterior. Dispositivo recomendado de gama baja**: iPhone 13 Pro. Dispositivo compatible más bajo: iPhone XR
  20. MobileDevice macOS

    MobileDevice is a utility for interacting with Apple's Private Mobile Device Framework. It can be used for automating some tasks like installing and uninstalling apps on your iPhone/iPad without having to manually do it via Xcode or iTunes. You don't need a jailbroken device!
  21. Movian for Android (ex ShowTime Media Player)

    Media Player for Android by Deank.
    If you are using the official version of Movian (and not a previous version of my MOD) you have to uninstall your current Movian version and install this version clean. You may have to enable the option "Install from untrusted sources" on your Android device and use a File Manager application like "X-Plore" (available on Google PlayStore). Remember to enter your Access Key for the F1 plugin if you do a clean installation.

  22. palera1n

    palera1n es un jailbreak para dispositivos A8 a A11, T2, en iOS/iPadOS/tvOS 15.0, bridgeOS 5.0 y superiores.
    ¿Cómo funciona?
    Arranca el dispositivo con múltiples parches requeridos. La primera vez que se ejecuta, arranca un ramdisk que vuelca el blob de la placa, crea un fakefs (si se usa semi tethered), instala la aplicación loader y parchea el kernel.

    Requisitos previos
    Un dispositivo iOS vulnerable checkm8 en iOS 15 o 16 (A8-A11) El dispositivo debe estar en iOS 15.0-16.2 Ordenador Linux o macOS Python 3 debe estar instalado. Dispositivos A10 y A11
    En A10 y A11, debe desactivar su código de acceso mientras está en el estado jailbroken. En iOS 16 A10+, si alguna vez habilitó un código de acceso en 16, tiene que restablecer a través de la aplicación de configuración / restaurar con un ordenador. En A10, esto se puede arreglar en el futuro implementando blackbird. En A11, no tenemos un exploit SEP todavía. ¿Cómo instalar palera1n?
    palera1n es un script de jailbreak en desarrollo que parchea el kernel para que puedas usar Sileo e instalar tweaks. Actualmente, palera1n es compatible con dispositivos A11 (iPhone X) y anteriores en iOS 15 y posterior, con algunas advertencias importantes.
    En los dispositivos A10(X) y A11, debes desactivar tu código de acceso y no podrás usar tu código de acceso, u otra funcionalidad SEP, hasta que arranques en un estado iOS stock. La funcionalidad SEP incluye cosas como el código de acceso, Face ID/Touch ID y Apple Pay.
    Además, si estás en iOS 16 y alguna vez has establecido un código de acceso, tendrás que borrar todo el contenido y la configuración para poder hacer jailbreak.
    Cómo activar el modo de desarrollador
    Esta sección solo se aplica si estás utilizando iOS 16. Si estás en iOS 15, omite esta sección
    Abre la app Ajustes Pulsa en "Privacidad y seguridad". Desplázate hacia abajo hasta "Modo Desarrollador" y luego tócalo Debes haber cargado una aplicación para que aparezca esta opción. Activa el Modo Desarrollador y toca "Reiniciar". Cuando el dispositivo se reinicie, pulsa "Activar" para activar el modo de desarrollador. Instalando el jailbreak
    Clona el repositorio con git clone --recursive https://github.com/palera1n/palera1n && cd palera1n Si ya has clonado el repositorio, simplemente ejecuta cd palera1n Abra una ventana de terminal y vaya al directorio Ejecuta: ./palera1n.sh --tweaks <versión de iOS> --semi-tethered Pon tu dispositivo en modo DFU antes de ejecutar este comando La bandera semi-tethered utiliza 5-10GB de almacenamiento y también es incompatible con dispositivos de 16GB, no incluyas --semi-tethered en el comando si estás utilizando un dispositivo de 16GB o tienes menos de 10GB libres. Linux Tu dispositivo arrancará en un ramdisk, que volcará blobs. También establecerá los argumentos de arranque y otras variables, y conectará tu dispositivo o configurará el falso rootfs. También parcheará el kernel por ti, para que puedas usar tweaks. Una vez de vuelta en modo recovery/normal, coloca el dispositivo en DFU de nuevo El dispositivo arrancará, abre la aplicación palera1n loader, y pulsa instalar Sileo debería aparecer en tu pantalla de inicio. palera1n ha sido creado por itsnebulalol, mineekdev, dedbeddedbed, bestdevelopr y riscv64.
  23. Pangu

    Jailbreak tool for iOS 9.2 - 9.3.3   Preparation: 1. Pangu jailbreak IPA file NvwaStone_1.1.ipa, avaible here.
    2. Cydia Impactor.
      (Special Note: This tool, developed by Saurik, is used to sign the ipa file so that Pangu jailbreak tool can be executed on iOS devices. Cydia impactors does not collect your apple id and password. All the information is only used for applying a personal free certificate from Apple.)
    3. A computer (Cydia impactor runs on all major OSes, including Windows, OS X, and Linux)
    4. A valid Apple ID. (In case that you do not want to use your current Apple ID to apply the personal certificate for any reason, we suggest you apply a new Apple ID and use it) Option “Use embedded certificate effective until April 2017" If you chose the option "Use embedded certificate effective until April 2017", Pangu 9 will install an app that is signed by a revoked certificate. Before April 2017, you will not need reinstall Pangu jailbreak app. If you want to sign the app with your own certificate, do not select this option. Limitations: 1. An Apple ID can only apply for a certificate for a limited number of devices.
    2. The certificate will expire in 7 days. If your certificate gets expired, you need to follow the guide to install the jailbreak IPA again. To Apple Developers: If you have enrolled the Apple developer membership, signing the IPA file with your own developer certification is a better choice (i.e., Pangu jailbreak app will get expired in 1 year, rather than 7 days). Jailbreak guide: 1. Unzip the Cydia impactor file and run it.
    2. Connect your iOS device to your computer and trust the computer on your iOS device.
    3. Drag NvwaStone_1.0.ipa into Cydia impactor app.

    4. Input you email address( it’s your apple id)

    5. Input your apple ID password. 

    6. Click OK button to continue.

    7. Cydia impactor will automatically prepare everything based on your inputs and sign the IPA file. If everything is OK, the IPA file should be installed in your iOS device correctly. If you get error notifications, you probably input incorrect Apple ID or password.
    8. On your device, Tap Settings > General > Device Management. You then see a profile for the developer under your “apple ID” heading. Tap the profile to establish trust for this developer. (An Internet connection is required to verify the app developer's certificate when establishing trust.)
    9. On your device, find Pangu App and run it.
    10. Click the "start" button to jailbreak your device.
  24. PwnageTool

    PwnageTool is a jailbreaking tool created by the iPhone Dev Team.

  25. redsn0w

    redsn0w is a lightweight, multi-platform jailbreaking, unlocking and customizing tool for the iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4S, iPod touch 1G, iPod touch 2G, iPod touch 3G, iPod touch 4G, iPad1, and iPad2.

    Copyright 2007-2012 iPhone Dev-Team. 
    All rights reserved.
    Not for commercial use. 

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